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Obs conversion - Update 4


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The roof is now on, and the 'roll off' roof hatch is complete and functional.

Both have been given a diluted priming coat of Thompson's roof seal, plus another full strength coat. I'll apply a second coat once the 'turret' is in place on the obsy.

The aluminium 'track' will be extended beyond the rear of the 'turret', on a support framework, as when rolled fully back, the hatch overhangs the the rear of the 'turret' by in excess of 50% of it's length. When rolled fully back, the scope will have clear access to the zenith, plus a bit.

Now just waiting for the necessary 'muscle' to help carry the 'turret' from the garage, to the back garden, then lift off the existing 'roll-off-roof', and lift the new roof into position.

Once in place, I can sort out the ironmongery, to lock the dropdown door, turret, and hatch securely in the closed position, then install the additional security alarm sensors.

The cladding will then be treated with Cuprinol preservative, to match the obsy walls.





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Hi Dave

I see you are looking for a bit of help- Quote

""Now just waiting for the necessary 'muscle' to help carry the 'turret' from the garage, to the back garden, then lift off the existing 'roll-off-roof', and lift the new roof into position." Unquote

I'm in Fra nce at the moment returning on Sunday to Suffolk, and available Bank holiday Monday or anytime thereafter!

If you want to take me up on it, just email me or PM me.




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Thanks for the kind offer Ray, but I'm going for tomorrow all being well, as its the only only dry day until about Wednesday next week.

I can't lift the existing roof off on my own, so I'm going to disassemble it in situ, to a manageable weight. That is to remove the roofing felt and T&G roofing, as this is the bulk of the weight. The rest is pretty much just framework, which I can then manage.

I can then get on with fitting the 12mm ply triangular shaped bits of 'decking' that are going into the four corners at the tops of the obs walls (i.e. a circular 'track' on top of a square obs, leaves four triangular shaped gaps in the corners).

The 'track' can then be scewed down in place, ready for the new roof (turret) to be lifted into place.

This lot will probably take most, if not all of the morning. As my son is on his last shift night, he'll be up around lunchtime, or just after, and will then be able to come over to help lift the roof into place.

It all sounds very straight forward, but "the best laid plans................", don't always follow the intended course :angry: .

I have to admit to be a bit nervous, as once the existing roof is dismantled, as opposed to be lifted off in one piece, I've pretty much "burnt my bridges", is the new installation goes wrong. :(


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Aren't SGL members a great bunch of people. :(

Firstly, Ray (RayS), calls in from holiday in France, to offer his help, when he returns to UK later this weekend, and then that nice man 'Celescope' (aka Roger :angry: ), phones me to say that he's up in Suffolk this weekend, and will round tomorrow to give me a 'hand'.

Dave :p

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It's all coming together now Dave, and looking highly salubrious.

I think we are all eager to see the finished article, but we just have to be patient.

It's always nice to have willing help, but I'm sure if you had put out a call specifically for volunteers, you could have had an army descending on you, and all to feed and water. :angry:

Rog. and your lad should be enough muscle for the heavy bits, but keep an eye out for Rog. over doing it, we don't want him laid up with a strained back. :(


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Hi Ron

Yes, I'm sure that had I shouted 'help', plenty would have been forthcoming.

Just had a PM from Bill (Bill£), offering his help, but we should be ok with myself, Rog, and my Son. If we do need another pair of hands, its just a phone call to Bill, and he'd be on his way. :(

The new roof/turret isn't that heavy, it more a size and awkward issue really.

To get it through the side gate and into the back garden, its got to be carried vertically, which should be fun. :angry:

Hopefully, so more pics tomorrow, of it 'sat' on top of the obsy.


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:angry::p Hope not Ron , But Sandra,s cake should do the trick ehhehehehehe

Ah, It's just the cake you're after. And there's Dave thinking what a good lad you are taking time out from your break to help, when the cake is the big draw. :(

Still, home baked is the best. But watch your back just the same. :)

Looking forward to the pics.

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I'll watch his back Ron, and he can watch mine. :angry:

We're both the same age, so are equally delicate. :(

As I said to Rog earlier on, its been an interesting project, both from the design/geometry aspect, and the carpentry bit.

But, would I build another one?, definitely not. :nono:

Its been three weeks of working most every day, to get to this stage, and I'll be glad when its all finished.


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Well, at 70 Dave, I think perhaps my thoughts on making that kind of mod. will need to stay just as a thought.

I see the sense in doing what you have done, and being an already very experienced imager, it should allow you to overcome the wind issue, and any extraneous light that may have intruded, and encourage you to do work when you might otherwise not have bothered.

I need to stop faffing about changing things, and just make a start, otherwise I may never get any imaging done. Although, if I won the lottery, I would buy a Skyshed Pod. :angry:


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I'm only four and a bit years behind you Ron. :angry:

I'm sure my labours will be justly rewarded, as there were quite a few occassion last winter, when the wind caused to me curtail and otherwise good imaging opportunity.

Backing onto open farm land, my obs is quite exposed to the elements, especially in the winter, when the hedgerow/treeline at the rear of the obsy, is bare of foliage.

Living under relatively dark rural skies, in a village with out any street lighting, I should sieze every clear sky opportunity that comes along, and the new obsy arrangement will certainly help to achive this.


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