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Hi! New and really excited to have found this forum


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Hi Katie and welcome to SGL, you certainly do not need a telescope to enjoy the night sky, there is much to see and locate with your own two eyes. You can download star maps from a binocular friendly site such as TUBA, PhilHarrington.net  you can adapt them and print them off for a nights observerving, of course a nice dark sky is better than a polluted one in this respect.

To bring everything a little closer, have you considered a pair of binoculars, it will open up a whole new world for you. Enjoy your observing and the forum :)

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Hi Katie

A warm welcome to SGL from another newbie , you will us a friendly bunch , the night sky is full of wonders so just keep looking up when you can , I agree with above post when budget allows get yourself a good pair of binoculars , that will allow you to see more and with better detail .


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Hi Katie and welcome to SGL.  You've already got the best starter 'scope for viewing the night sky:  they're installed just above your nose!   I'm sure there must be somewhere local to you that has an active astronomy or stargazing group - they might be hiding away for the summer, but they're sure to appear as soon as the nights starting drawing in!  Check out your local library for info,  also the local schools/colleges - somtimes the old methods of finding things are still the best!

Clear skies!

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