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Lagoon and Trifid nebulas in bicolor (MONO 550D)

Luis Campos

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This past week I was at a fairly dark sky location in north Portugal for a little vacation and obviously I had to drag the gear for some quality time under the stars smile.gif

Because I don't have access to the south at home I decided to go for the lagoon and Trifid nebulas in narrowband (processed in bicolor with synth green channel). Sky was misereable most of the nights with a lot of wind and high clouds, this summer was a total failure around here, but even so I managed to get some Ha and OIII subs under not ideal conditions, the data is good, specially the Ha.

For this image, Ha is 10x600 secs and OIII is 10x700 secs. captured with my Canon 550D with mono sensor and tec cooled (working at 6cº) a SW ED80 refractor with 0.8 reducer (f/6) riding an EQ6 go to mount.

This is a simple preliminary image with NO CALIBRATION FRAMES ADDED, just stack of the light frames smile.gif I will post the full callibrated image soon but I don't expect much diference...let's see smile.gif

Anyways hope you enjoy, here goes the bicolor and Ha only images:




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Ok, now the final versions with callibration added (no darks used, only bias and flat).

Here is the full version:


Here a crop of the Lagoon core at 75% resolution, processed to emphasize details, hope it's not overcooked, my eyes are crossed now... crazyeyes.gif


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