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Perseids beer pong.

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Been combing through posts and google to prepare for Perseids, last night I pointed toward Lyra and fired off 150 shots via a6000, 16mm, ISO 1600, f3.5, 30 sec.  Wider lens would be better.  From what I've gathered, it seems the best way to distinguish a satellite or other object from a meteor is 1. Color, 2. Speed 3. Tips of the ends.  4. Track  satellites with Stellarium .  However, the only way to know for certain will be to sit outside all night and enjoy the show.  I'm going to try and count them, at least in the area my camera is pointed.  Perhaps devise a Perseids drinking game?   I captured one interesting image last night, it contains, some Milky Way, a lightning bug, airplane and satellite.  The other two I believe are small satellites being they have little color?





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