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Extension pier for AZ4 - or something else?

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I'm currently running a StarTravel 150 and StarTravel 120 in parallel with a view to working out which one I use most and then selling the other (both are pre-loved by some wonderful people on this forum).

I had planned to mount them on my AZ4 (not at the same time!!). But last night I managed to get out with the ST150 for the first time and I realised a major flaw in my set-up: height, or lack thereof. I was trying to scan the Cygnus milky way, which was close to culmination, and even with my adjustable seat on the lowest setting I was having to bend down quite uncomfortably. FInding things was a nightmare (because of my straight-through finder - easily fixed) There was no way I could concentrate for long periods, particularly after the sizeable barbcecue we'd had earlier in the evening.

One solution might be some sort of extension pier. I reckon I need another foot of height at least. Has anyone got one of these, and if so where from? How do they impact stability?

Or should I be looking at a different sort of mount? I'm reluctant to get rid of the AZ4 as it seems like it would be a workhorse, but maybe I just need to try something different.

Any thoughts?

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to get my two boys to walk on my back and attempt to recover the shape of my spine....



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I'm not sure exactly how the AZ4 head fits into the mount, but for the EQ mounts you can buy an 8" or 16" pier extension which may work with it.

They are pretty chunky though so I made a 12" extension for my giro-WR using a bit of thick walled Ali tube off fleabag, works well.


It's wrapped in some of the CF wrap used for your 150 Paul :)

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I'm not sure exactly how the AZ4 head fits into the mount, but for the EQ mounts you can buy an 8" or 16" pier extension which may work with it.

They are pretty chunky though so I made a 12" extension for my giro-WR using a bit of thick walled Ali tube off fleabag, works well.4d0a3b15042499df5ca12e03c5c84bef.jpg

It's wrapped in some of the CF wrap used for your 150 Paul :)

The carbon-effect wrap looks amazing, Stu! Thanks for the tip on the pier. Will contact FLO next week on suitability for the AZ4.

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I've owned an AZ-4. It uses the same tripod fitting as the EQ5, CG5 and HEQ5 so tripods compatible with those mounts are fine for the AZ-4. When I wanted a bit more height I used the AZ-4 on a Celestron CG5 tripod which as well has having 2" steel tubed legs (like the EQ6) is taller when fully extended than the standard EQ5 / HEQ5 / AZ-4 steel tripod. The pillar extensions that are compatible with those mounts will work with the AZ-4.

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