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Looking for more eyepieces with little money


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Hello everyone, so I have been looking for a wider range of eyepieces. Right now I have a 25mm and 6.2mm both orion Plossl. I saw this on amazon and was wondering what everyone thinks about it. I don't have a whole lot of money and really can't spend much so these package deals look like a good option to me.


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Usually people do not recommend the kits, although you get 5 and a case - I have never yet used a filter and prefer eyepieces to barlows.

Since you have 2 I would rather suggest a couple of the Astro-Tech plossls, the value line ones most likely at $23 each.

You have a 6mm and a 20mm, I would not bother with shorter then the 6mm you have so perhaps a 32mm and a 9mm.

That gives 6mm, 9mm, 20mm and 32mm. $50 and close to the ones in the $130 kit

That should take care of most requirements although a 12mm at some time could be a good inclusion.

If you got those 4/5 in the end than I would stick at those.

If I suggested $120 on just 2 how about 2 of the Astro-Tech Paradigms?

They are $60 each and the 8mm and say 25mm ???

Reasoning is that the Paradigms are very good and you likely do not need to upgrade from these in the future. You will eventually want better then plossl's.

If you bought 2 now and in the future another one, and then another etc then before long you have the set, and that set is worth keeping they will perform on just about any scope you will get - if you ever changed from the XT8.

If you bought the kit now then I guess in a year you would want better and I for one would suggest the Paradigms again, so consider spending on a couple of Paradigms now and build up slowly.

That is my suggestions: $45-50 on 2 A-T plossls (maybe 3), or start on the next step and $120 on 2 paradigms and start building.

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Usually people do not recommend the kits, although you get 5 and a case - I have never yet used a filter and prefer eyepieces to barlows.

Since you have 2 I would rather suggest a couple of the Astro-Tech plossls, the value line ones most likely at $23 each.

You have a 6mm and a 20mm, I would not bother with shorter then the 6mm you have so perhaps a 32mm and a 9mm.

That gives 6mm, 9mm, 20mm and 32mm. $50 and close to the ones in the $130 kit

That should take care of most requirements although a 12mm at some time could be a good inclusion.

If you got those 4/5 in the end than I would stick at those.

If I suggested $120 on just 2 how about 2 of the Astro-Tech Paradigms?

They are $60 each and the 8mm and say 25mm ???

Reasoning is that the Paradigms are very good and you likely do not need to upgrade from these in the future. You will eventually want better then plossl's.

If you bought 2 now and in the future another one, and then another etc then before long you have the set, and that set is worth keeping they will perform on just about any scope you will get - if you ever changed from the XT8.

If you bought the kit now then I guess in a year you would want better and I for one would suggest the Paradigms again, so consider spending on a couple of Paradigms now and build up slowly.

That is my suggestions: $45-50 on 2 A-T plossls (maybe 3), or start on the next step and $120 on 2 paradigms and start building.

I am looking for something to view a DSO like 13 a little better. My 25mm makes it visible with little to no detail. My 6.2mm it is visible but very hard resolve what is actually going on because of the power. I need something in between. Also I need something to hold all of my eyepieces as I am still using the cardboard box they came in.

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Don't waste your money on the kit - the advert is far from accurate - only one eyepiece is multi element the rest are single lenses. The filters are poor - especially the moon one which is awful - and two of the lenses are like looking through a straw or worse. The only good bits are one 32mm very average lens, and the foam padded case. If I was Celestron I'd be ashamed of marketing this item.

You would do a lot better to get three half decent single eyepieces of your choice (maybe 4 if you go second hand), or save an extra $70 and get a baader zoom which is far superior in all respects. Even the lesser Skywatcher zoom is a far better proposition. Hth :)

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I think you could improvise or make a case yourself, I would not buy a kit based on it having a case included. There is a show me your eye piece thread which you might find gives you ideas on what you could use. A cheap plastic tool box with a couple sponges in side might make a useable case.

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I think you could improvise or make a case yourself, I would not buy a kit based on it having a case included. There is a show me your eye piece thread which you might find gives you ideas on what you could use. A cheap plastic tool box with a couple sponges in side might make a useable case.

Thats true I actually just thought my dad has a whole lot of nice wood Cigar boxes. With some foam I could make them padded and safe for my eyepieces to go in.

Still need opinion on this eyepiece. From what im reading online I think it should be good but want to know what everyone here thinks.

Also how much better is it to use a 2" eyepiece over a something like that? My telescope can mount a 2" so I am curious. 


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Hello magrene,

i have the 15mm in the bst starguider ed eyepiece disguise, for me it is fantastic.

it won a best in range award a little whil back in sky at night magazine against similar price range eyepieces.

In my opinion i dont think you would be dissapointed.


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The OP is in new York, do you know under what name those bst eyepieces are in America?

Looks like the one I posted is the same as the one air mentioned. 

Found this on a BST Explorer product description. 

"These eyepiece are being sold under various brand names like BST Explorer, BST Starguider, Olivon, Astrotech Paradigm"

What would be another eyepiece that would be recommended. I would have a 6.2 15mm and a 25mm. What is another power that would be good to have? 

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Yes its the same as op link.

apologies if i wasnt clear or misleading.

i have 8, 12, 15 and 18 in this range.

18 is my favourite/most used.


How is 18 for looking at objects like m13? My 25mm is just not enough mag to make out much of anything.

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There are several branded eyepieces with the same physical body/content.

The Paradigm is a good choice, the one you link too.

I bought the 8mm first (BST Starguider - same eyepiece ), the rest followed. I believe we have the cheapest version here in UK, but that wont help you. Their a great value upgrade, easy to use and comfortable on the eye. They work well with an 8" f/6 scope.

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The 8mm is generally a good general eyepiece with decent magnification, the next depends on the purpose you want from it.

The 25mm gives a wider field and so locating objects is helped, however if the 8mm provides a bit too much magnification then the 12mm should be right.

We cannot know how much you lose when using the 6mm.

If it is clarity then I suspect the 8mm Paradigm will be good, if it is that the magnification is too much then the 12mm.

M13 is 20 arc min = 1/3 degree,

So to frame say something like a 1 degree view wanted, that means 60x with a Paradigm.

If your scope is f/5, 1000mm FL, that is 17mm, so the 18mm Paradigm.

If the scope is f/6, 1200mm FL, that is 20mm, so again the 18mm Paradigm.

Equally the 15mm in a 1200mm scope give 0.75 degree and that happily fits in M13.

12mm JUST fits M13, 0.5 degree, with a bit either side.

Just remember that M13 is not the only object you will look at and the 18mm Paradigm will sort of equal the 20mm you have.

So how many, and how about 8mm and 12mm Paradigm?

If you go for those then I still think the 25mm would be useful eventually just to "see" as much as possible.

You could probably stop at those 3 for a long time, they would cover most aspects.

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Good choice from ronin, the 8mm and 12mm can also Barlow well on your 8"scope.

I felt the stock 25mm I have was not wide enough for M31 Andromeda, the BST fares better, but the 2" Panaview takes centre stage.

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The 6.2 gives an interesting look its really strange actually. I know I have heard this said a few times in relation to m13 about a pin wheel like shape. With my 6.2 the pin wheel shape really jumps out its very interesting. But still the lack of clarity is a big down side with it. Ok so I just ordered a 15mm and a 8mm. Should be arriving within the next few days. Thanks for the help everyone :D.

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The 6.2 gives an interesting look its really strange actually. I know I have heard this said a few times in relation to m13 about a pin wheel like shape. With my 6.2 the pin wheel shape really jumps out its very interesting. But still the lack of clarity is a big down side with it. Ok so I just ordered a 15mm and a 8mm. Should be arriving within the next few days. Thanks for the help everyone :D.

The clarity could be just the seeing conditions. Only once have i seen Jupiter from by observatory in perfect clarity, no shimmer, perfect bands, and pin sharp shadow, moon transit, truly memorable.

A 6mm is an excellent match for your telescope using the specs ( rounded up ) Your best practical power for your scope is 200x (8" or 203mm mirror) F-1200 / 200= f/6. A 6mm EP gives you 200x, you just need to find the right eyepiece. Mine is the William Optics!

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Thats something to consider, seeing conditions, your own eyes capabilities, and the scope the EP is fitted too. I have more aperture, the 6mm is expected to work well on 8" f/6 .

happy-kat, try a 5mm on your scope under perfect conditions, it would be a better match.

I also see in your signature.........lousy lights? Give your scope a treat to some darker sky, will be worth it.

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