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NGC7000 - First try with modded DSLR

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Hi all!

This is last years first try with my modded camera. Only managed two nights with a total of 1h 36 min (48*2min) on this target. Didn´t get the framing right on the second night so there is a strange looking part in the lower left area.

This was with my AstroTrac, just starting out. This year I hope to catch at least a few hours worth of 5-10 minute guided subs. Can´t wait to see the result of that!

Stacking, DBE and masked stretch in Pixinsight, the rest of the work done in Photoshop using Gradient XTerminator and Carbonis actions, plus the normal Photoshop tools.

I hope you like it.


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That looks very good.   You should be pleased with that.

I don't know what you mean about the lower left - what I see there is exactly what I would expect.


Good! That means I managed to cover it up in post processing ;)

There is an area of higher noise and contrast, but it´s really only visible in the full res version.

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