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SW Skymax-90 f/1250 for solar?

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Having just read the 'Show us your frac' topic and feeling totally inadequate, the doorbell rings and I get my new SW Skymax-90, whoopeeeee, feel much better now.

My question is, can I use this scope for solar imaging?  I have a sheet of solar film so I can make the filter, is this a good scope for this sort of work?


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When using a Herschel wedge, the full energy of the sun is reflected from the primary onto the secondary. Especially in scopes with fast primary mirrors (like SCTs Maks, or RCs), the secondary gets highly concentrated sunlight on part of its surface and may shatter. In very slow Newtonians you can get away with it (I have used a 6" F/8 for solar projection, which has similar issues, but that worked)

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OK, sorry to be a pain, but I am still very new to all of this, I have a Baader AstroSolar Safety Film ND 5.0, that I plan to put in front of the scope, is that still going to cause me problems?

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The Skymax 90 is great for quick grab & go solar sessions (that's the main use of my little mak). I do try some basic solar imaging every now and then, with varying result. It can be a bit tricky to really nail focus, but with patience it's no doubt doable. I made my filter cell/holder from camping mat and stiff cardboard and it works very well:


One of my solar imaging attempts, nothing special compared to the highly skilled imagers on SGL, but I'm having fun dabbling every now and then  :grin: :


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