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Using the Synscan system hooked up to your pc help


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following on from this rather frustrating issue http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/244580-skywatcher-synscan-firmware-update-help-garghhhhh/  I now want to connect to my PC.

However before I go ccharging in I wonder if anyone is aware of a simple guide as to what you need to do to conntect and slew to your chosen object. The help me file in Stellarium, which was what I was going to use is very long winded and confusing. It doesnt even mention about aligning the scope first which I assume you would have to otherwise there isnt a reference point!!!.

Also if anyone has alternative software to try I am open to ideas as long as it isn't to long winded, the key here for me is simplicity  :grin:



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I use CdC it's easier to get on with Stellarium does work though, Ascom, EQMod, and a Dongle is all that's needed 



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to use Stellarium, you will first need to download and run Stellarium Scope, which act as a go-between the scope & the main Stellarium software....

If I can find the appropriate URL, I'll update this post

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If you purchase the Hitec Astro usb-serial cable and are using a windows computer, be careful if you plug into a different usb port each time as this will assign a new com port number.

Check the cable's com port number in device manager every time you connect, as you'll end up tearing your hair out after a while if the com port number is incorrect in the EQASCOM set up page.

Look up EQASCOM on youtube, Chris Shillito's channel, as one of the writers of the software, he has a lot of tutorials on there.

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Hello again any readers of this post. I would just like to confirm to anybody else who is considering connecting thier goto to thier pc that the stellarium guide above is spot on. I aligned the scope, (well best guess of star position as its daytime) so the software has its reference point and the rest was simples.

All I need now is a longer cable for my USB http://www.cables2u.co.uk/active-repeater-extension-cable-high-speed-usb2-p-1021.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=googleshopping&utm_campaign=googlebase&gclid=CNfz6_7iyMUCFSLKtAodODgA3A and a longer cable for my astrocam and I shall be video observing very soon.

Watch this space


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The other option, and what i do, is to just have a really long handset lead and use the handset as normal to "remotely" move the scope. But then i was trying to limit the amount of work my ageing laptop had to do.


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  • 1 month later...

The other option, and what i do, is to just have a really long handset lead and use the handset as normal to "remotely" move the scope. But then i was trying to limit the amount of work my ageing laptop had to do.


i have actually adopted this method too. It allows you to fine tune if the scope isslightly out of alignment. Thanks for the idea.
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