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First outing with new Scope!


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thursday night was my first outing with my new 'toy' :( the skywatcher 130pm. and what a night! all looked lost early doors when building, no visibility whatsoever, complete cloud cover. then i looked out of the curtains, clear as crystal. out i went!

had some difficulty lining my red dot finder up because clouds kept getting in the way of the stars i were aiming at, but eventually got going and some wonderful sights. had some great viewing with the moon, and twice with saturn (found this difficult to find in the scope but im not convinced i did the red dot finder correctly to start with). got it in the 10mm, but by the time the 2x barlow had gone in it had escaped me. this happening on two occassions but not to worry, the moon was a big target so went back and examined that for a while. all in all really enjoyed my first night out with the new scope and cant wait for more nights to come!

special thanks go to Steve at FLO, who got as much info as he could and kept me informed on the were abouts of my scope on delivery.

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managed tog et out again last nigh,t some lovely detail on the moon, and the cloud did help at oen stage as it was thin, sort of filtered a bit of the light out so i could see slightly without blinking and having dots in my eye haha. saturn was immensely insane. rings clearly defined and visible in front of planet. divide was there for all to see between planet and rings and managed 4 moons to.

and to top it all off, a satellite went drifting past! priceless, bring on tonight! :( :hello1:

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Glad yer having fun with the new scope Nick 8) A good setup that is matey.

Here's a weather site worth a quick look. It don't get mentioned much but is OK for seeing what's up there and where it came from;


Press play, speed it up a bit and then press ping pong :(



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Congratulations on first light. It actually gets better from now in, as the more you learn the easier everything becomes.

Just out of interest, how much light pollution have you where you observe from?

Do keep putting in the reports as everyone enjoys reading them.

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well i lvie in a block of houses, and when im out, theres no lights on at the back of my house, and the other houses are usually out to. the street lights are blocked by houses obviously. we do have garden lights but i turned them on. now we just have miniture solar ones, nothing major, hardly produce any light, just there for show.

will do :(

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