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Lakeside Astro Motor Focus System

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I have just attached a new Lakeside Astro motor focuser to my Skywatcher Esprit 120ED, which was surprisingly easy (thanks to Ian King for the quick delivery).  So this part was very easy, but I am now a bit stuck :confused:.  Now, I know this is all my fault, and I should have read up on the product before buying, but I was expecting to just use the focuser in a manual kind of way, I.e., just push a button or two to move the pinion in and out with a Bahtinov mask on the front of the scope and when I see the correct pattern, lock down the pinion and get on with some imaging; easy peasy lemon squeezy :).  The focuser (which comes with a very nice controller box) does have a manual mode, but it only seems to let me move out to a position of 2000 (do not know what the units are), which is no where near far enough out for me to get anything into focus (well maybe the shed at the end of the garden).  So, I guess I have to download some software to control it, and the Lakeside website seems to recommend something call FocusMax.  So, I went to the FocusMax website, which redirected me to a CCDWare website and there seem to be loads of different products, but the FocusMax V4 comes in at $150.  So, I have downloaded the 60 day trial version of this program, but on opening it, it looks reallllllly complicated :(

So after all of my pre-waffle, my questions are:-

1.  Is there any way I can just run the Lakeside focuser properly manually, so that it will let me go past the 2000 position?

2.  If this is not possible, is the FocusMax program worth the $150, and how hard is it to learn how to use?  I guess the worth $150 question is a bit moot, as if it does not work without it, it is money well spent, but I do not want to have to spend half the night messing about with a computer program where as with a Bahtinov mask, I can be up and running in 5 minutes.

Hoping someone can offer me some advice / help?

Cheers, DDS :)

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Can you go to the 2000 position and then reset the counter to zero, allowing you to go out another 2000?


I don't think you can.  I have tried turning it off when it is at 2000, hoping that when I powered up again it would think it was back at 0, but unfortunately, it is 'clever' and remembers it is at 2000 :rolleyes:.

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Did you load the Lakeside Utilites which gives you an on screen controller ? you only need Focus Max for computer controlled focussing.

You have to set the steps etc to suit your scope.



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Did you load the Lakeside Utilites which gives you an on screen controller ? you only need Focus Max for computer controlled focussing.

You have to set the steps etc to suit your scope.


attachicon.gifLakeside Utils.PNG

I do not have the  Lakeside Utilites, the focuser can with a CD, but who has a CD drive on their laptop anymore :tongue:.  I went to the Lakeside website and downloaded a driver, but not sure if it did anything :confused:

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NB.  Just search my computer for "Lakeside Utilites", and it does not seem to be on my computer and I have just been back to the Lakeside website and I can not see anywhere to download it?

EDIT, but that does look like what I am after, so I will take the CD to work with me tomorrow, as my work computer still has a CD drive, and I will put the contents of the CD onto a memory stick :).

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Hi Davey, I have got the CD, just not a drive to put it in.  I will take the CD to work tomorrow and copy all of the files on to a memory stick :).  Thanks for the advice :)

NB.  Have you ever tried any software to control the focuser, or do you just do it manually?

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Once you have the software running you need to calibrate - It's a simple enough process, you use the box button to rack the focuser all the way in (this sets it to zero) and press OK then you rack it all the way out and press OK. This then sets the steps on your stepper to your scope as each one has a different amount of focus.

For example, my RC went from zero to over 5000, whereas my Tak goes from zero to about 1500. Once that's done you'll be able to use it manually with the buttons moving the focuser in and out.

I use software for my focus, as I use SGPro to automate the plate solving, focus and capture - Auto focus is brilliant, I've only used it since the back end of last year and already wonder how I managed without it!

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Very annoying, I forgot to bring the CD to work with me this morning :BangHead:, but I think I have an old desktop computer in the loft somewhere which has a CD drive in it, so I will try digging this out tonight.  Life would be a lot easier if Lakeside put the Lakeside Astro Utilities as a download on their website :rolleyes:

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Very annoying, I forgot to bring the CD to work with me this morning :BangHead:, but I think I have an old desktop computer in the loft somewhere which has a CD drive in it, so I will try digging this out tonight.  Life would be a lot easier if Lakeside put the Lakeside Astro Utilities as a download on their website :rolleyes:

Email James at Lakeside and suggest it, he's always very helpful, I can still send you a copy of the disc to save time.


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Email James at Lakeside and suggest it, he's always very helpful, I can still send you a copy of the disc to save time.


Thanks Dave, I am just about to send James an e-mail, as if I can get hold of the User manual for the focuser, hopefully this will give me some hints on how to get it working,



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The 2000 is just the default limit when you first attach the focuser, I've changed my to 10,000 using the lakeside utility, and use it with focusmax and Maxim DL and my moonlite, works great. I previously built a home brew one using the arguing board and Neil Chases code, which worked pretty well, but I'm gearing up to use my scope remotely so wanted something a bit better than the device I soldered together!

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Hi David

You need to calibrate your controller to your scope which you can do using the push buttons on the handset. It's all in the manual. I will send you a copy of the manual and a copy of the Lakeside Utility program all in a zip file. if you have a new Lakeside unit and have used drivers downloaded from the website website I will also send you some new drivers. These drivers are for the latest units and are not yet on the website so you must have loaded old drivers. They will still work but it's best to use the latest ones.

FYI I am Peter, not James.... (But I answer to most names)



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Hi Peter, thanks, but no need to send anything, I forgot that my wife's Laptop has got a CD drive so I have copies all of the drivers / utility bits across to my computer and it is all installed okay :).  Complete cloud cover here, but I am tempted to set the mount / scope up to see if I can do the calibration bit so that when we get some clear skies, I do not have to waste any time learning how to do the set-up bits.  NB.  Very nice focuser system, look forward to trying it out under some clear skies soon :).

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Hi David

You need to calibrate your controller to your scope which you can do using the push buttons on the handset. It's all in the manual. I will send you a copy of the manual and a copy of the Lakeside Utility program all in a zip file. if you have a new Lakeside unit and have used drivers downloaded from the website website I will also send you some new drivers. These drivers are for the latest units and are not yet on the website so you must have loaded old drivers. They will still work but it's best to use the latest ones.

FYI I am Peter, not James.... (But I answer to most names)



Apologies for the name change Peter, blame it on old age :)

Dave ( I think )

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