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Virgo Widefield

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It would be fair to say that last night didn't really go to plan. The Moon was in a crystal clear part of the sky nicely illuminating the misty area I was imaging - Luna, I do love you really!

I had just completed a set of of BIAS frames for the new camera so my imager countdown box was set to 20 instead of the 100 I normally set it to for an imaging session so whilst I thought I was taking about 35 sub-frames and kept on going out to rotate the dome at regular intervals, the imaging stopped over an hour short of target (personal note to self - you sir are a plonker!).

Galaxies don't really lend themselves to wide field images but this chain makes for an interesting wide image although, of course, the detail in the individual galaxies is lost there are a lot of galaxies in there many of which are not visible on this 'internet version'.



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