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planet colors

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Hi all,

I wanted to know if its possible to see(visually) any color in Saturn's disc. Through my CPC11 EdgeHD, I can see jupiter's main bands and GRS as dirty light brown. On Saturn I only see the Cassini division as a  crisp black line, the outer rings as grey and the disc is bright white. This is regardless of the seeing and with 23-7mm eyepieces.  The visual looks quite sharp and crisp overall, just no color in saturn. Imaging through a webcam shows a lot more colour and detail in both planets, of course. Is it supposed to be this way, or is my collimation slightly off?



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Seeing plays a big part in Saturn colours. Instability just merges the colour as you describe. Pushing the magnification beyond the conditions does this too.

I spent some time on Saturn on Friday night and picked up loads of Redish Browny colour and detail on the disc. This was at 250x.


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And there is the fact that everyone's eyes are different. Colour-perception is a very recent human-trait that developed not so long ago. This said, I tend to see Saturn as a yellowish colour. The most striking planets to see that are truly likely to be different colours to different folks are Uranus and Neptune.

Viva La Difference,


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There is not a lot of "colour" on Saturn. Even the images from Cassini are fairly muted.

It seems to be sort of creams and light orangy browns so no great contrast is apparent.

I would +1 this, its been a while since I have looked at Saturn but I used to see it as a creamy colour with no real colour changes. Having said that, it is still awesome to look at! The real crown jewel in my opinion.


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Thanks for the responses guys. It seems then collimation has less to do with it. I will next try out with various filters to see if I can lessen the washout effect (no cream or pale yellow Saturn disc for me, only high contrast, sharp, white).

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