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TS 65mm quad owners advice needed

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Hi guys and gals,

I've recently purchased one of these (NEW) however when I recieved this I was missing some Parts

These included the 2" to 1.25 receptacle and the rack and pin focuser knob. That goes under the scope.

I been sent these out after having the scope now 3weeks.

I've recieved in the post today this screw. See first picture

And it sticks out miles ive check many online photos and the rack and pin focuser looks nothing like this. Even on my SW80 ed scope it's focuser knob is flush to the scope.

This was sent from TS in Germany to replace the missing knob from the box. I bought the scope from a official TS dealer in the UK

I was also missing the 2" to 1.25 receptacle and was sent one outlast week. However the fitting of this seems to catch the inside of the scope and grinds when fully inserted. I'm sure that is not suposed to happen or even if it's the correct 2-1.25 fitting for the scope.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience of this scope and the parts that you got with the telescope. I can not find a picture of the receptacle online to compare. But I do feel the that the focuser knob is not the right one.

I would like to see if anyone has the correct receptical so I can see what it looks like when not connected to the scope. And also a picture of the focuser knob.

Remeber I bought the telescope from New but I feel that what I recieved is not new. And I'm a little concerned about this. And I also have taken that up with the store involved.

I would appreciate some TS quads owners feed back.

Thanks for your time and clear skies.



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Looks like they just found something to fit.

Also I would expect this to be chromed steel not aluminium as it could apply quote a bit of pressure to stop slippage with camera etc loaded on.

Let's see what other owners say.

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I've got the 70mm quadruplet and it doesn't stick out anything like as much as that. I bought mine direct from TS and didn't have any problems.

My 2" connection is very firm and can catch when taking fittings with an undercut out, not entirely bad though as there is less chance of something expensive dropping out! The focusers on the two scopes are slightly different though, mine has 3 thumbscrews to tighten the compression ring rather than two.

There are pictures of your scopes focuser here: http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4639_TS-Imaging-Star-65mm-f-6-5-Quadruplet-Astrograph---44mm-field-diameter.html

The screw it should have is black, wide and flat.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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1.25" to 2" looks fine to me, they have sent you out one of theirs from stock by the look of it. The screw looks wrong, as said above they've found something that fits. Best bet is ditch the whole focuser mechanism and fit a starlight feathertouch - it's the only way :D

Seriously though how does the OTA perform, colour correction / flat field?

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I have had so many problems with this outlet I will not use them anymore , at first I thought is was only me but even I am not that unlucky.

The last time I used them they sent me a 70mm ED telescope that was bent, the optics were not in line, then had the cheek to tell me there was nothing wrong with it and my photos show it bent were misleading. What they didn't know was I already had one so I knew what it should be like. 

Now I spend a little more and deal with quality outlets in the UK if my local dealer cannot source from elsewhere.


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thank you for your replies. I have in my posession 2 other refractors and none of the rack and pin focusers knobs look like the one they sent out. As Michae h f wilkinson mentions having a shorter screw with wider/flatter head. my other two refrators have this and i am able to put mounting bars underthem. you can not with this nob.
the screw they provided looks like the ones you get to aid in connecting a EP or the receptical.

the 2" to 1.25 catches on the inside. looking closer when it catches is another part of the telescope. which is seperate. this part i believe is where you are able to rotate the scope to center your DSLR. (its where the gold screw is on the picture) thats fully rotatable. if i rotate that part i hear it grind. without the recepticle its fine.

From one of the other refractors (WO 72megrez) i have a receptical that has a slight different shape at the end. in goes in a little. i tried to take a photo but you can not see the differnace. but you can see to the human eye its diamiter is a little shorter.
of course im not happy about this and its highly frustrating when you supposely bought a new telescope to find bits missing. I've not had anyone as yet with a TS 65mm Quad scope thoughts to compare if the scope ive got or the parts are like what some of you say, from items from stock.

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I agree it is not the same scope but I have just looked at both my 70mm Ed's, probably made at the same place. As Michael stated the screw should not stick out like that both mine are shorter and made of chrome/steel with a stubbier knurled turning head,  I can also get a ADM mounting bar across the ful area with clearance.

As you say what you have looks like the sort of screw that comes with a diagonal, I have similar looking ones that came with something I bought from TS some time back, but cannot remember what. It sure don't look right to me either, not that I am much help to you.


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