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Another bad night

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So as a few of you know I have a massive fear of the night sky. So tonight I went out just to see how I felt and I can honestly say it was awful so the huge star in the sky is Venus so Iv been told and looking at this star tonight litrally mad me want to be sick Iv never seen it look so big. Can any one confirm its Venus as peace of mind lol! May sound silly to anyone the hasn't read my other topics but Iv joined the forum to try help get over my fear by learning more about what worries me! The star I'm seeing is pretty low and seems away from all the other stars it's unmistakable and huge seems to get bigger by the day to me probably in my head tho

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If it's low, it's Venus. It's not a star, it's a planet. It is second out from the Sun, after Mercury. Still moving out from the sun, the other planets in our solar system are (after Venus) Earth (us) and then Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

I can't help with your phobia but I wish you well. I have more fears about what's happening on this planet ...

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In all probability, it is either Venus or the International Space Station.

Either way, good on you for getting out there and looking up. You didn't have to. You are taking control which is a big step.

It might be worth checking SGL on your phone if you feel panicky. If anything bright were out of place, this forum would be lit up within about 30 seconds.

Good luck


PS. Don't be disappointed. It isn't realistic to expect a long held phobia to be overturned in an instant. It will take some time.

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It is defo Venus I think because it's so big and bright I just find it daunting!!! And to me it seems so strange lol... Speaking of the international space station I went out of a cig at 22.30 and saw what looked like a star move across the sky for around 1-2 mins.... I couldn't belive it my partner was buzzing... I must admit it freaked me out but I was brave and kept watch only because I had seen a chat on another forum so I kind of had a heads up!!

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Venus is bright but it's not very big in the sky - the moon actually appears 120x as big to our eyes. Jupiter, although it's not as bright, actually appears around 2.5x larger than Venus does though you need binoculars to begin to see it as a disk, it's still that small.

There is a name for your fear of the night sky - it's called astrophobia (appropriately perhaps). If you Google it there are a number of websites that offer help on dealing with it.

What we can do here is to explain what you are seeing :smiley:

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I am not sure if this will help, but its worth a try. I suffer with vertigo and a friend mentioned to close one eye when looking down from a height as it takes the 3D effect away and thus the panic and spinning feeling also waned.

It didn't cure me but it helps and I can now go to high places as long as I don't look over the edge, the rest is down to a genuine fear and I am not sure it will ever go away :laugh:

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Oddly enough my friend across the road TEXT me to ask what that bright star was down the road. I nipped across to see what it was he was looking at, Venus i said, but it is moving so fast, no we are moving, look at the sun when it sinks below the horizon they are roughly moving at the same speed. Why does the North star not move at the same pace, he said. That is Jupiter "is it, i thought the brightest star was the North star", No, I preceded to show him how to find Polaris . After a brief 15mins I hope he is more familiar with the sky. OH BTW the space station showed itself, that made my friends night.

I do hope you get over your fear of the sky, there are so many wonderful thing to see up there.

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Thanks everyone for being so very kind and supportive... I must admit I do think being on the forum helps but regardless of that I still no matter how much I no its Venus get such an awful feeling about it! I tried to post a pic of what it looks like from were I'm looking at it from but it won't let me post

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