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first glimpse of Jupiter was something special


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Well I finally got round to seeing Jupiter tonight!

I got my first telescope a while back but had to bodge together a tripod (got a rough looking second hand eq mount with no fine tune adjustment... For now).

I can't believe how awesome it is seeing it... At low mag I saw the moons then swapped out for a 4mm plossl and boom! Bands and all lol!

Well for a split second then I slipped and lost it and the baby started crying.. Then the wife did lol so i went in... but I'm addicted now!

Nothing can quite explain the feeling of seeing it so clearly for the first time.... Wow!

Just thought I'd share ha ha

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Ha ha no... She wasn't crying... It was more like shouting... Something along the lines of "are you done playing space boy?! The baby is going mental I could do with a break"... Selfish! Ha ha but yeah she's not too impressed with the idea of me being out all night...

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Ha ha no... She wasn't crying... It was more like shouting... Something along the lines of "are you done playing space boy?! The baby is going mental I could do with a break"... Selfish! Ha ha but yeah she's not too impressed with the idea of me being out all night...

I know the feeling! Ours is just over a year old now and I keep pushing my luck every now and then to get some observing done!

It always goes down well when I come in rather too loudly and wake the baby!!

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Sounds familiar :) Got my 1st scope after the birth of first baby... I too have to abandoned the scope and dark adaption if I hear crying! Also have to balance things with my wife - in fairness she's very tolerant and supportive. Don't get so many clear nights so not a big issue :)

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Sounds familiar :) Got my 1st scope after the birth of first baby... I too have to abandoned the scope and dark adaption if I hear crying! Also have to balance things with my wife - in fairness she's very tolerant and supportive. Don't get so many clear nights so not a big issue :)

Quite right. Family should always come first, Astro is not that important! Doesn't stop it being a bit frustrating missing a nice clear night though [emoji12]

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