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Where to start in stargazers lounge once you are in?

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I am Akasha, just signed in to Stargazers lounge.  I have no idea how to use it.  Is there somewhere in Stargazers Lounge a book or files that summarises what you can do and how to to it?

I have a Celestron 14 inch Edge HD on an EQ8-Pro equatorial mount, now for about a year, plenty of eyepieces also the official Celestron Edge HD focal reducer, great piece of equipment. 

I use my Nikon D90 body as DSLR to make photos, but am less and less satisfied with it, but for the moment it will have to do.

I encountered some problems, solved some of them, but that is another story.

How to use Stargazers Lounge facilities, including entering information in my profile.

I look forward to receiving assistance with this request.

Akasha (from Perth, Australia)

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Akasha........Welcome to SGL.

Just to the left of the sign out tab, click on your NAME (down Arrow ) to effect any changes to your Avatar, and signature block ( signature block where our kit is detailed?)

As for using  the site, your free to just look around, you don't have access to certain areas, membership time and post count allows further access to the 'hidden pages'

You will need to type into  a spell checker until you have amounted some posts, as you won't have access to the editor. it all makes sense, you just wont realise it just yet.

You can post subjects or ask as many questions as you like. Its not like your needing any advice on what to buy next considering a 14" telescope. Thats gonna make some folk jealous?

Just enjoy the site, the folk that frequent, and before long, you'll be offering just as much help from your own experiences.

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Hi Akasha :)

Don't worry, SGL is pretty easy to find your way around. Look in the 'Getting Started' sections and the Community section - at the top of each topic/area covered you'll see green 'pinned' threads - threads that are really useful for any member so they are 'stickied' to always be at the top. Loads of very useful tips and information. Also you'll find stuff like the Lounge rules (Code of Conduct) and other tools to help settle in.

In your Profile, click on the 'Edit your profile' button (top left) and you can then put in the details you want. Bear in mind you cannot edit your posts until you've amassed a post count of 250. You'll get to that number easily by just asking questions and replying to threads so try not to 'farm' your posts by pointless posting if that makes sense. There's guidance on this from the Moderators - who are a really helpful bunch!

As you appear to want to do imaging, you'll probably spend a lot of time in the 'Getting Started with Imaging' section - have fun!

And don't be nervous at asking questions, even if they seem obvious. Everyone here loves to help out if we can....

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Hello Akasha and a warm welcome to the SGL on the left side of the screen you will see all the different forums. Just click on the ones that interest you most and start browsing. There is lots of information to keep you going. If you have a particular question just ask in the most appropriate forum. You will soon get the hang of it

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Follow your nose into the topics that interest and are relevant to your current set up and thinking.  You will find yourself looking up from the computer screen and winter will have set in 2 seasons from now :) 

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Hi Akasha and welcome to SGL, just take a slow walk through the various sub sections of the forum that are of interest to you, they are there for your help and guidance. As you have much interest in Astro Photography, you will be bound to come across the often mentioned book "Making Every Photon Count" by Steve Richards. Most of the forums imagers have this guide on their book shelves, but it is not available through commercial retail outlets, see here  http://www.skyatnightimages.co.uk  should you wish to avail yourself of a copy, which of course, without saying, comes highly recommended. Enjoy your Astronomy :)

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