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My new 80mm F/11

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Well after having the scope for over 3 months I finally got to use my new (cough) 80mm F/11. I bought the OTA with two cast over size rings - the plan is to piggy back it on the 8".

Russ and I tried it out on Saturn last night and I have to say that the image that we got (from less than perfect conditions) was suprisingly good - there was a little CA - but then again saturn is fairly bright. So I think that I could get some nice wide field shots with it and the 300D without too many problems...

I also swapped the rings that cam with the scope with Russ for a pair of ST102 rings that have been drilled and taped to be used as guide scope rings. This will enable me to bring the 80mm about 2" closer to the 8" than with the rings that came with it. This may help solve the counter weight problem.

All in all it's a great little scope for 80 quid.

So I have two plans now

1. Use the 80mm piggy back on the 8", Guide manually through one and image through the other

2. Mount the 80mm side by side with the 300D and the Sigma 70 - 300 Zoom, guide through the 80mm and take ultra wide shots...

Or I could even do both - Just not at the same time :lol:


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Your right it would be Daz, and I can safely say that I think that I have caught the bug again!

So either way there will be more images from me in the coming weeks - weather permitting :lol:


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Hi steve,

It's going back some time now! I bought a 80mm F/11 refractor from Dave (ADmin UKAI). and what with all the stuff that happened over the last few months I finally managed to get a look through it over at Russ's the other night!

Here's a reminder as I can't find the original post :lol:image.jpg


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Finally got the 80mm mounted on the 8" and I have to say it does look quite good - all three (incl Finder) are black which does help.

Swapped the guide scope rings I had with Russ for a low profile set! and this seems to have done the trick - I can just balance the scope with an extra 2.5kg of weight... So I'm happy.

Even got tot try it out over the weekend. The images weren't that good but the guiding proved that I can manually guide for just over two minutes - need a barlow to make the guiding a little more accurate, and next time spend more time positioning the diagonal to make it a little more confortable. But apart from that it was a success.

Here's a pic of the final set up.


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