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Jupiter 19th Feb


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Jupiter second attempt.

Really pleased with these, a vast improvement on my first efforts.

3 LRGB Runs between 22.04 and 22.25

Skies not very clear earlier on in the evening and saw a transit visually but couldn't get any images.

C11 Edge with 2.5x Barlow (FL=7000mm) and ASI120MM

3000 Frames (23ms L, 30ms RGB) These are from 75% Stacks in AS!2, wavelets in Registax6. Combined and tweaked in Photoshop CS6




I think the source data is good enough to try using winjupos to tease out some more detail.

Will also try a reprocess with a 20% stack.

This is beginning to get very addictive......


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A monochrome image from one of the luminance files.


The original 75% stacks derotated in WinJupos and reprocessed.


I am currently, mainly in an exercise for using WinJupos to it's full extent derotating the original avi's and restacking all the data from the runs to produce the best image I can from the data I captured.

Hopefully a nice window tonight to capture more data and apply what I have learned in my first imaging attempts.


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