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I recently purchased 3 Vixens of differing type to add to the NPL 25mm I already had. I got a Lanthanum (not wide) 18mm, SLV 15mm and the now discontinued NLV 12mm (think it was one of the last FLO had in too)

I haven't given them enough of a workout to comment on the overall performance but what I did manage to find out is that all four brands are parfocal.

Now i do not no if this is normal but for me it is superb engineering in that they have managed to do this.

Checking lens number and groups the Lanthanum, SLV & NLV seem to be the same at 7/4 but NPL is 4/2 so maybe not such a big surprise with the first 3 as they may just be developing on what, by all accounts is a very good formula. For me it means I now have no longer need of the barrel extenders and parfocal rings which is a definite plus.

So yes, i am very pleased thus far and hoping to give them a thorough workout if weather plays ball tomorrow.


ps, apologies of poor picture quality


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I am pleased I cheer you up. My first Best Man (only been two so far :eek: ) always said, I was a great comedian but was sometimes on to long. He was a funny guy as well fabulous wedding speach, so good you could have sold it.

So how long before we start talking you into Delos and Pentax XW's again :grin:.


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Nice selection of eyepieces Steve. The Vixen's I've used have all been more or less parfocal even though there were different ranges involved.

Tele Vue try and do the same but some of their designs won't allow it.

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I find the variation in focal positins quite annoying actually, especially when viewing at high power. Baader GO's are great eyepieces but do need a lot of inwards focuser movement than, say, a Tele Vue plossl. Enough for an object to move out of the field by the time sharp focus is regained. If I had driven scopes then I guess this would be less of an issue.

It's not a showstopper of course but having a set of TV plossls now plus a Powermate has reminded me how nice it is when eyepieces are par focal :smiley:

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So how long before we start talking you into Delos and Pentax XW's again :grin:.


Can't see it happening in the near future Alan. I have ordered a rather lower costing eyepiece that I kept telling myself I didnt need but I do want an eyepiece with a little more FOV than the 50 provided by the Vixen's in mid to higher range so I gave in. Have two wide eyepieces at 30 and 22mm also so I reckon bases are fully covered.

Maybe at some point in the future I may try one of the Ethos 21mm or something of a similar make but at this moment in time I do not have any urge to go and try one. (not yet honest)  :grin:  :cool:

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Incidentally, did anything more get heard about the Meade MWA eyepiece. I believe the ER and FOV were both well out on how they sold it but other than that I haven't heard anything else!

The folks who bought them in the USA have returned them for refunds I believe.

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They have not been doing too well lately as a company and misleading customers is not going to help them one bit, I think I would be in for a refund as well. I mean what were they thinking, a case of lefthand not knowing there was a righthand at all.


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