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alan potts

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I ought to add that I'm not doubting the improvements you are seeing in any way folks - I'm just trying to get my head around them :smiley:

I think I'll re-read that Bill Paolini report on diagonals later !

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Mark, yes it fits fine onto my visual back. However you have given me an idea - I'm not happy with the 2 inch adapter currently on my main scope so will give your idea of also getting the Baader click lock for the visual back to give a solid connection that doesn't have a risk of rotation.

Look forward to seeing your photos.


Hi Gavin, please see the attached photo with the configuration I ended up with. The spacer between the diagonal body and the stop ring on the nosepiece is from Ebay for £9 and is very good quality. Hopefully you can see from this why I had to do this, as my ClickLock sits much closer to the diagonal body. Did you go for a ClickLock for your visual back by the way?


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Just a couple of comments from me, largely to address John's points.

The benefit for me of the Zeiss is more related to better contrast, reduced scatter and the ability to take higher mags. I'm not sure if it gives brighter images, but may appear so with better contrast.

For planetary/double use, I would personally go for the smaller T2 version. It is a lovely, compact bit of kit, very flexible in terms of fittings, but above all it has a significantly shorter light path so keeps any potential for CA from the prism to a minimum. Planetary is not about widefield, so the slightly constricted aperture should not be an issue. It also has the benefit of being cheaper!!

I bought a 2" for widefield and a T2 for planetary/high mag. I use it with a x2.5 PM and the Leica which gives me a range from around 7mm down to 3.5mm ish, ideal for my scopes.

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Very nice looking diagonal Mark. Do you know if it is the same size as the Zeiss diagonal. Or is the Zeiss the same size


Hi Alan, they are both classed as Zeiss diagonals as this refers to the prism. The one in the picture is the smaller T2 version (35 mm max aperture) where you buy the body and add your own fittings. I have added 2" fittings for strength. It is certainly a thing of beauty.

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I hear what you say and understand about the power and planetary work. I was wanting to use it mainly with the SC and that has a 3m plus focal length as you know, I didn't really what to be messing with changing diagonals if the Zeiss is bigger. Weight is not really too much of an issue.


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Having seen the picture of your diagonal I think the way you have your spacer (it's now obvious why you needed it) is better than my approach of having the spacer by the clicklock - so I've changed my configuration as shown in the photo below. Do you have a very slim t2 to sct adapter between the diagonal and the 2 inch clicklock?

Also yes I have just got the clicklock for the visual back - on first go it works very well as shown in the other picture.

Thanks again for the ideas.




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Having seen the picture of your diagonal I think the way you have your spacer (it's now obvious why you needed it) is better than my approach of having the spacer by the clicklock - so I've changed my configuration as shown in the photo below. Do you have a very slim t2 to sct adapter between the diagonal and the 2 inch clicklock?

Also yes I have just got the clicklock for the visual back - on first go it works very well as shown in the other picture.

Thanks again for the ideas.


Hi Gavin, yes I do have a very small adapter for the ClickLock attachment. This was recommended by David Hinds, Expanding Ring T-2 / 2inch. The spacer on the nosepiece is from Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/High-Quality-T-T2-M42X0-75mm-Extension-Tube-3mm-5mm-6mm-10mm-and-20mm-NEW-/371113516507. That looks like a very nice setup that you have. As the saying goes, you can't take it with you. :grin: 

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