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Bad Moon Rising...


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I'm making slow progress with this lunar mosaic thing. Here's my attempt at the moon from 28-12-14. Lots of panes, but not enough. Doh!

Each pane was 800 frames, with best 100 stacked. Lots of help received on settings in AS!2 - conclusion, mono is fast, rgb isn't. Exposure was problematic.

Oh so much to learn still... Next time...


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been there, done that, waaay too many times, and especially when using the barlow... Keep going though, it's worth the troubble! :)

I found out my biggest enemy was that not only does the moon slowly drift away from my FOV, but i also didn't have the camera properly aligned with the mount movements, so if i pushed to left, it could go for example 65 degrees up to the left instead, this made it very hard to guild around to cover every part of the moon.

A small mark on the camera and focuser did the trick though, so now i'm at least never far off on having it aligned well. :)

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Thanks Pete. Despite my first love being deep sky stuff, the Moon is a great target too and it does alleviate the frustration of it drowning out the rest of the sky! I hope to do some more serious planetary stuff this year too, starting with Jupiter, just as soon as I have finished the current project with the edge and 683.

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