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I will be using the 9mm tonight on the moon, and have used the 12mm OK in the 8" dob F5.9 - no problems.

The 52 degree field of view is limited

But the clarity is nearly as good as the Explore Scientific 82 / and the 6mm Delos I have.

i.e. - if it's 100% good, it can't get any better.

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I notice that the 15mm is the 68degree superview.

I haven't tried the 68o Revelation myself, but the Maxvision 16mm should be better (at double the price).

If you are buying new - I would suggest that the £22 to £27 cost of a Revelation Plossl (plus postage) might be better spent going towards the cost of a new ES82 eyepiece instead.

For around £100 - £114 they are excellent value for money.


I am only using my 9mm and 12mm Plossls because they are in the EP case already.

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I've got the 15mm & 20mm superview and the standard 32mm..

In a 130 f5 astromaster the 15 and 20 were a disappointment, very soft to the edge from a good 20% if not more.. they're very good in an f10 but I've noticed a fair amount of glare off axis on bright objects..

Not sure how the standard 52deg plossls fair, the 32mm is nice but I'd stay away from the superview ones at f5... although I have noticed slightly better performance in the 200p f5 but not in the league of the es82 or TV plossl’s..

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I have the 42mm 2-inch Revelation as a cheap wide view eyepiece.

But the large exit pupil spoils the view compared to the 52 degree Plossls.

It works OK, but it doesn't have the WOW factor.

The 16mm Maxvision is superb, with or without the 2.5x Revelation Barlow.

And the 11mm 82 degree explore scientific is even better, on par with the Delos I have.

jupiter tonight is down to 100x magnification with the weather conditions tonight.

When the seeing is as bad as this, nothing works.

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Cheers Dave, i have sort of "rediscovered" plossl`s lately, but i dont think i will be getting any others, this will give me a mixed bad of 6.3   10   15    20   and 25mm focal lengths though i dont see me ever using the 6.3 

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The revelation eyepieces are good value for money but if your not accustomed to coma you may not be comfortable with the amount you'll have in the field of view. You will find the 17mm TAL eyepiece I sold you performs slightly better but even so only 40% of the view will be unaffected by coma which in a 52° FOV isn't a lot. Coma is apparent and unavoidable in all fast scopes whether you use Televue, Pentax, ES or Nikon so don't be disheartened if you find there is a lot in the Revelation plossl.

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Hi Jules, I have the Vixen NPL 15mm plossl and it works fine with my Celestron 130 f5 and also the 114 f4.4 and is probably my most used EP in these scopes. I've never got too analytical with it given that I've not had anything (in that range) to directly compare it with, but I've not regretted buying it. I have both the 2.5(?) barlow and 32mm EP from GSO/Revelation and I like them. the 32mm is really good in the Tal. If the 15mm is of a similar quality it should be OK (for the money).

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