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Third big dob session Christmas eve present of clear skies.


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I went to my local astro club dark sky site with my 18" dob optimistic as ever. This was my 90th observing session that was longer than 2 hours this year. Arriving at 6 to scan for comet 15P with my 4" refractor but no luck. Dob then speedily set up & all dew heater electrics functioning. The sky did not appear to be so great. The Milkyway was quite faint & horizon skyglow was all around, extending higher than I normally perceive.

At home Cetus is below my roof so I had to have a look before starting my plan. M77 has only been seen in smaller scopes so nice to see a bright core & fading halo. Nearby I spotted very faint NGC 1055 & faint 1087. Others tempted me but I stuck with my plan. So off to Mirach to hop to NGC 507. The atlas suggested many galaxies here but I definitely saw 507 & 494. As I scanned around some hints of others but not identified. Next I was off to the Perseus cluster. Again there were hints of faint fuzzies but definitely saw NGC 1275, 1272 & 1278. I'm convinced I should see more if the transparency was good. 

I then took an eye break by visiting  some easier stuff. Looking at M42 tonight I saw E star for the first in the trapezium.  But nebulosity in both M42 & M78 were not as good as 13 December. On to NGC 891. A dark lane along it's length was quite apparent but the background sky was quite grey even at 198x. Dissaponted I pressed on. 

First a look at NGC 1587 & 1589 in Taurus. A faint pair but failed to spot 1588 near 1587. On the way to Eridanus. This is a completely unfamiliar constellation so finding NGC 1535 was fun but the view was rewarding. Appearing bright with c/s visible & some hint of mottling. Then to NGC 1421 a very faint galaxy on the way to NGC 1407 & 1400, which were fairly bright. Alas 1300 was not found but also in the murk I suspected. 

As the south view was fairly good my final targets were unseen Messiers. I read that several of these should be naked eye from a dark sky but all needed to be hopped to. M48 was easiest to find. Obvious in the finder & a large cluster. M47 was more tricky as mag 5 stars near the cluster were not naked eye! Next was a gem M46 with embedded p/n NGC 2438. Lovely sight & p/n was quite obvious. M41 was also tracked down. I revisited M79 a somewhat resolved glob. Then M93 to bring my Messier count to 105. 

Lovejoy was apparently hidding in a distant low bank of cloud. So I shall have to wait till it is higher.

Flagging a bit & Milkyway almost invisible I had a look at M31,32 & 110, M81,82 & NGC 2903. Then I checked a few more galaxies in Leo. NGC 3190 & 3193, nice pair. NGC 3227 & 3226 another's nice close pair & finally Leo triplet. A view of Jupiter finished off a successful session around 12.30.

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Thanks guys. Yes the views were not great but I was not alone in foregoing festivities to observe. Six other members were at the club enjoying the clearish sky. Love this hobby & looking forward to more galaxy hunting quests.

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Yes really good

I don't normally get the scope out unless I can get at least 4 hours in.

I've been noting down how many full nights since the 1st of September I could viewed for at least 4 hours. Due to our weather the total is 11 pretty dire to be fair!

Just hope the weather is better next year as the big Dob won't get out much :-(


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I'm only two & a half years observing but fanatical so grab every chance. My latest 18" is reasonably portable, which makes it worth while setting up for a few hours. But I will only use it from a dark sky location. Most of this year has been with the 12", very portable. So I will see how regularly the big dob gets out. 

I notice you are/ have made a big dob & hope you get the chance to exploit the aperture.  It's another world.

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Yeah, just on with making my own and another and can't wait although at present I'm lacking a bit of motivation finishing the mirror off.

It will re-appear and I'll get it finished but more likely for next years Autumn/winter sessions 18" is a nice aperture and portability was a main concern for me.

Keep up with the viewing reports they're really interesting

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Yeah, just on with making my own and another and can't wait although at present I'm lacking a bit of motivation finishing the mirror off.

It will re-appear and I'll get it finished but more likely for next years Autumn/winter sessions 18" is a nice aperture and portability was a main concern for me.

Keep up with the viewing reports they're really interesting

Fortunately for me mine was made by someone else who loves building them for his own pleasure. I will continue posting reports & they may help with your motivation  :smiley:

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