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Orbit: Earth's Extraordinary Journey


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I just watched the first of three episodes of this (new?) BBC series presented by Kate Humble and Helen Czerski. It tracks one cycle of the Earth's orbit around the Sun and explains how the interactions between the Earth's orbit, rotation, inclanation and the orbit of the Moon affect the environment we live in. Quite fascinating.

Episodes 1 and 2 are available on iPlayer/Catch-up TV and the third and final episode is screened next Thursday.

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It's not new (been shown a few times before in fact), but yes, I think it's an interesting series.  I'm not particularly enamoured of Kate Humble as a presenter of science programmes -- too often it seems like she's just reading from a script without really understanding what she's saying, but I do very much enjoy the stuff I've seen Helen Czerski present.


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I've been watching it. A very enjoyable programme. I'm not too bothered about who the presenters are really.

The programme following it, about castles, is also interesting.

I wish I'd noticed that one.  We've been watching "Secrets of the Castle" -- another in the Victorian/Edwardian/Wartime Farm series, based at an archaeological experiment in France to build a medieval castle from the ground up using the methods and skills of the time, which has been very interesting.


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I have the Castle series on Sky+ and plan to watch it next weekend.

I think Kate Humble does ok for a series pitched at this level but agree she might be found wanting in something more in-depth.

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