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I might have a result on my local LP


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Ok so I think I have documented fairly well that the LP where I live is pretty bad, so I got onto my local councilor who put me onto the county council highways dept.

Explained that the street lighting was causing a LP nuisance to our house (referring to it coming into the bedroom and garden rather than astronomy specifically) and presto, the council man called this morning and has agreed to put in a lower power  bulb into offending light.

Whats more, he says if there are no complaints over this he will consider doing the whole road to save electric.

First bit is a result, if the second part goes through I will be thoroughly made up, happy days.  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:

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Nice result Steve, lets hope it makes a big difference to your viewing

The biggest result will be that it doesn't flood half my garden with bright orange light making viewing extremely uncomfortable. I am not expecting a big difference in clarity but as it is anytime I view east through to South I have said bright orange light in my face.

I have tried covers, eyepatches etc but if it was dimmed the effect will hopefully be diminished.

They hope to have this done within a week, fingers crossed as they say  :rolleyes:


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