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Itsey Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow..........


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Ditching a load of images clogging up the computer but thought I'd post these pre and post processed images of a crop from a full frame taken with the 350D on the ninth of Feb. this year.

These DSLR images contain loads of data that is just not visible until you go deep on an expanded copy.



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Are these two images a before and after?

If they are - I'm going out with the Canon, next clear night - I want one just like it!


Just the one,Ant. Before and after as they say in the washing powder ads. :wink:

All that was involved initially was to make a separate layer for Saturn and then use the levels in Photoshop,moving the pointers slowly to the left until the stars begin to appear. It is sometimes easier to work on an inverted image in which case you move the pointers to the right. Once you are happy with the number of stars,brighten them with the dodge tool. (or if working in inverted mode,darken with the burn tool) The background can then be darkened in levels as usual. You will probably also want to desaturate the stars a tad or not,depending on taste! :)

Here is an interim image showing Saturn isolated and the background before 'tidying up'.



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CW, thanks for the info, how do you make a separate layer for Saturn only ?

In this case the marquee tool was used to encircle the planet then just copy and paste. This creates a seperate layer which is not affected by what is done to the background layer. Once you have dealt with the background you can the get stuck in on the planet layer,which, once enhanced, can be merged back to create a single image. :)

I tried quite a few different combinations with the idea of creating an 'eyepiece view' but could not get the right luminesence so abandonded the project as the computer was becoming littered with Saturns. :wink:

Out of interest I kept what I thought was the closest match and because it does show Titan and possibly another moon,which goes to show what the 350D on it's own can do. 8)

(I do not hold Canon Corp. shares....... honest. :))



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