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SynScan Niggles

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I am at last getting to grips with the set-up of my new AZ-EQ6 GT and SynScan, however, there are still a few niggles and uncertainties I'd like to clear up:

!. Under the handset function Set Time Zone it asks for "+" or "-" and the manual says these correspond to either Europe / Eastern Hemisphere or North America / Western Hemisphere respectively.  I wonder, as I live about five miles west of the Meridan if this qualifies as Europe for this purpose?  In my view / it's a fact that I'm in the Western Hemisphere (just) and surely should be set as "- "(minus)?

2. Unfortunately I can not see the Polaris star, my house completely blocks all northern views, also the low sightlines east, west and south are difficult in places.  Therefore sometimes when using the Polar Align function the SynScan handset provides a star list all of which are blocked from sight; the other night the list were all low and in the north!  Is there a way I can divert from the SynScan list presented in the handset and pick my own star that I can see, whilst of course ensuring that it meets the requirements for polar alignment?

3. How can I check the current MEL and MAZ polar alignment values in SynScan without going through the polar alignment routine?        

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After you complete a two star or three star the hand controller always displays the MEL and MAZ error.  So just do your alingment then check those numbers to see how close you are.

I have used those numbers as a guide to adjust my mount through trial and error and been able to get both numbers under 1/2 degree.  It was time consuming but is possible.

Section 5.17 of the maual tells us how to display the MEL and MAZ numbers at any time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am at last getting to grips with the set-up of my new AZ-EQ6 GT and SynScan, however, there are still a few niggles and uncertainties I'd like to clear up:

!. Under the handset function Set Time Zone it asks for "+" or "-" and the manual says these correspond to either Europe / Eastern Hemisphere or North America / Western Hemisphere respectively.  I wonder, as I live about five miles west of the Meridan if this qualifies as Europe for this purpose?  In my view / it's a fact that I'm in the Western Hemisphere (just) and surely should be set as "- "(minus)?

2. Unfortunately I can not see the Polaris star, my house completely blocks all northern views, also the low sightlines east, west and south are difficult in places.  Therefore sometimes when using the Polar Align function the SynScan handset provides a star list all of which are blocked from sight; the other night the list were all low and in the north!  Is there a way I can divert from the SynScan list presented in the handset and pick my own star that I can see, whilst of course ensuring that it meets the requirements for polar alignment?

3. How can I check the current MEL and MAZ polar alignment values in SynScan without going through the polar alignment routine?        

Still not happy with Q1 above - can somebody clarify, is the setting -00 (minus) or +00 (plus).  Like I said before, I am just west of the meridian so, despite comments I've seen elsewhere, this is the Western Hemisphere and would suggest it should be -00 (minus)?  It may be an academic point as I've used both and found no discernible difference!

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I had the same issue (#2) and I went through the user manual and I was happy to find that :


Not all combinations of alignment stars are good for a 2-star alignment or 3-star alignment. The SynScan hand control uses a built-in advanced alignment star filter to show only the stars which is suitable to work with the 1st or 2nd alignment star(s), when asking the user to choose the 2nd or 3rd alignment star. It helps to improve the success rate of the alignment.

Some advanced users or those who have limited visible sky can turn on/off this advance filter with the following steps:

1. Access the menu “Setup \ Alignment Stars \ Adv. Filter” and press the ENTER key.
2. Use the scroll keys to choose “OFF” and then press the ENTER key to disable the filter.
3. Use the scroll keys to choose “ON” and then press the ENTER key to enable the filter.

Note: Even if the advanced filter function is turned off, the SynScan hand control will still apply the following rules to generate the list of alignment stars:

- The alignment star’s altitude must be above 15 degrees.
- For an equatorial mount, the alignment star’s declination must be between -75 and +75 degrees.
- For an alt-azimuth mount, the alignment star’s altitude must be below 75 degrees or within the altitude limits defined by the user


Clear skies

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I seem to recall that -00 is the prefered option.

It is a timezone not a longitude, so East or West of the Meridian is not applicable, people in Kent and Norwich are in the same timezone.

This came up about 2 or 3 years back and I have the vague idea that +00 didn't get the correct operation whereas -00 did.

So try - not +, then 0 or 00 or whatever.

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