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HitecAstro EQDIR Adaptor - USB EQ5 Direct Interface

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Could someone please tell me if I bought this :confused: and plugged it into the RA motor then into usb on laptop that it would allow me to basically control telescope with something like Stellarium (it can't be that simple surely)..OR am I totally wrong and barking up the wrong tree :icon_scratch:  :BangHead:




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it replaces the standard USB to Serial interface
though not sure how it works with the setting up the scope to start with, date / time / location etc
as you normally set that up with the hand controller and then take control of the mount with stellarium or CdC

but its most likely covered by software

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Well for £27 I think I will buy it and give it a go, see what happens,

I notice in your signature you have SW Autofocuser, does that make a big difference? if so are they a reasonable price to buy



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Does in not need Ascom and EQMod to interface,,,,,,both free downloads...CdC works straight away Stellarium needs Stellarium Scope.... :)

Hi Tinker1947

just done a little more reading on it and yes you are right it needs both of those to interface, will download them when it arrives, will also look into cdc



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CdC has a simple interface couple of button to the top row  right hand side, Connect, Sync, Slew, Stellarium requires Stellarium Scope its easy to set up and just click on a star then Control 3 to slew, Control 1 to Sync anyway the keys are listed on the S/Scope screen...i might have them the wrong way round..:)

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If your mount is the version with the basic dual axis drives then it won't work. The eqdir module only works with the Synscan goto mounts.

Hi Cornelius

Mine is the one with basic dual axis drives :sad: Oh well such is life...is there a way I can control this via laptop or turn it into a goto?



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I think it only works with the eq5 if you have the Synscan upgrade or at least the dual axis setup and Astro-EQ kit?


Instructions here:



Hi Thalestris24

I don't have the upgrade, and I don't think my budget will stretch to be able to buy it just yet. Only have about £300 max I could spend at the moment, will get there eventually :smiley:



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Hi Thalestris24

I don't have the upgrade, and I don't think my budget will stretch to be able to buy it just yet. Only have about £300 max I could spend at the moment, will get there eventually :smiley:




Unfortunately the AstroEQ kit appears to not be available at the moment :{ Sorry.

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Unfortunately the AstroEQ kit appears to not be available at the moment :{ Sorry.

Please don't be sorry, it's not your fault, but that seems to be typical of the luck I have :smiley:

I notice FLO  do an upgrade kit for the EQ5 £295 not sure whether to go for that...

Quite like the SW star adventurer they have as well, slightly cheaper but can't hold as much,

My head tells me go for it, my heart tells me wait a while :smiley:


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