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My first Image

mark RD

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Yes you guessed it, its a UFO :shock:

First attempt using a cxxp camera trust 820 at 4 x zoom with a celestron 32mm plossl. Its alittle shaky as I thought after I took the pic that it would be better to use the timer rather than try and gingerly press the botton to take the picture. At that point the clouds decided to come :x

You might be wondering why I used a 32mm, its the only eye piece I can strangle, I really need to get some more :lol:


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What's a cxxp camera Mark.

Good work. I have an universal digi-adaptor for may compact olympus but have given up with it - it's very difficult to get the camera lined up with the EP


A cxxp camera in diffrent terms is not a very good camera. I got lucky lining up on the first attempt but second attempt I struggled and it was about then the clouds turned up. I think its harder to line up with higher power EP maybe better to try a low power say 25mm or 17mm then use the zoom on the camera ( if it has one ).


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Me too- well pleased. Who'd have thought that something about a billion miles away (sorry guys, thats a guess) could be photographed.

:lol: :lol: :lol:





These are trying differnent exposures and tweaking the focus on the DSLR ever so slightly ('cos you cant see to focus and the lens goes past infinity).

Nice picture Mark, those of us who try know how difficult it can be.

captain Chaos

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