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200p - it didn't look that big in the picture! (nexstar 4se instead?)

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Hello one and all

Thanks so much for the warm welcome and sage advice on my previous thread. I mentioned then that I was considering a skywatcher 200p on a basic EQ5 mount for my first telescope.

I went over to Astronomia at the weekend to take a closer look at a few scopes and fortunately they had a 200p set up for me to take a closer look. It is a beast and taller than I am...!

This would not be a problem at all if I had a decent view of the sky from my back garden. But I don't so I clearly need to think about something much more portable. There is a path running behind my house which leads out to an area of moderately dark sky, but it's a fifteen minute walk. I have a car and could take it in the boot but I want a scope that is easy to use regularly, rather than something that requires so much effort I only use it once a month at most...

I'm thinking now about something much smaller for a first scope, which would also be sufficiently portable to take out to France (Loire valley) so my old man could take a look as well.

Astronomia offer a deal where you can return a scope for full price if you upgrade within 12 months. I'm thinking of getting the celestron 4se and then upgrading to a 5,6 or even 8se next year when finances allow. That way I can get started now(ish).

I'll check a few threads here on this model, but it looked a much better piece of kit than the 127mak which looks a little plasticky.

Any thoughts on the 4se greatly appreciated and apologies if I'm boring anyone with my indecision!


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The SE is a nice mount, and the 4inch is a decent size.  My concern would be that if you want portability then it may not be ideal.  The tripod is still quite heavy and you'll also need power for the mount (don't think about running on normal batteries) and the scope will need dew control too.  If you want really portable then something like the heritage series might be a better option. http://www.firstlightoptics.com/heritage.html


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Thanks Helen - I had not even considered the Heritage series so will take a closer look. Good to know you approve of the 4se too, I had already grasped that it would need a few extras (9mm lense, filters as well) so will push the budget up. Decisions, decisions...

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Thanks Steve. There seem to be many here who speak very highly of the dob mounts and clearly I need to investigate more. Only downside of the 200p is my inability to take it abroad. Maybe I go for something smaller as a first scope and, at the price of the 200p dob, think about a second when finances allow next year.

(am I seriously considering a second scope before I've bought my first???!!!)

best wishes and clear skies


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I can vouch for the 4SE as a portable scope, in terms of taking it by car. But it is pretty heavy to carry any significant distance, especially as you need to carry the power supply as well (as pointed out above).

However, once set up it's a lovely little scope. Aligns easily (if you put the date in the right way round), tracks accurately and gives some great views. Highly recommended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have the 6se..and a great scope it is too..easily portable as well. What is your budget? The 200p on an EQ-5 is £415 and the same on a GOTO is £700. I can vouch for the 200 skyliner, that was my first scope and is portable and under £300. A new 6se is around the £800 mark but you can sometimes get a bargain 2nd hand..on gumtree there is a guy selling an 8SE for £500




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(am I seriously considering a second scope before I've bought my first???!!!)

I did - that's why I went for the Heritage 130p, and I've now got a 250px as well. You can't get away from the fact that the tubes for a 200mm plus scope is going to be fairly large, and that makes it hard to scuttle outside with it. I reckon the 130p sees more nights out, even now, though the 250px probably sees more time out.

Anyway, I got it 'cos it was cheap, would get me started, and give me a feel for what I wanted in the next scope.

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I bought my 150P with a EQ 3-2 mount in Norway. (Way too expencive, but my swearing is better in Norwegian) rearranged the boxes and had it shipped down here to Martinique as luggage with AirFrance. No problem. Without the synscan it is easy to transport in the back of the car. Just glide it back on the mount, and you're ready to go :-) I'm lucky to have a terrasse with a good view from about 90 degrees east to around 300 west. No light polution on the country side, only backdraw is the jungle close to the property. My goal for this fall is the Andromeda, which means I have to put my gear in the back of my car and drive to the east side of the island. No problem :-)

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