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is this ngc2070?


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Tonight i was playing a bit with stellarium and saw that ngc 2070  was visible from my backyard and gave it a try.

This was my first attempt to capture a nebula but it was a bit low on the horizon and LP got in the way.

My trial version of gradient exterminator expired about a month ago and i don't know how to remove it manually yet.

can you guys help me out how to make it better?

this is the stack with just saturation boost and no further processing

the specs are:

60x13s subs iso 800 shot at 18mm f3.5

26 bias frames

20x13s darks.

Any help and comments will be great.


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I took a shot of SMC last night, wide-field, around the same magnification as you.

Very nice capture.

Look at "Gradient Removal when GXT won't hack it!"


That helped a lot with the gradient and it removes the light pollution I find plaguing my images over the city.

I can post one of my beginner befores and afters with it if you'd like.

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Thanks guys for the comments;


sorry,i upload the tiff file because i thought it would display in here  and the png was about just 5mb smaller, next time i'll upload in png :)

Here OP, I stretched it quickly for identification. Not familiar with the DSO, so I'll let others be the judge.

Carl, thanks for your time in processing the image.

Steve thanks for confirming, that site looks very interesting.

Hi Atreta,

Adjusting your image to jpeg, so my simple imaging prog can handle it!!!! .......  The Tarantula Neb, NGC 2070 is the "star" like object pointed at.

Regards, Les

what did you use to reduce the gradient?

I took a shot of SMC last night, wide-field, around the same magnification as you.

Very nice capture.

Look at "Gradient Removal when GXT won't hack it!"


That helped a lot with the gradient and it removes the light pollution I find plaguing my images over the city.

I can post one of my beginner befores and afters with it if you'd like.

Please, it will be very good to see how you started too.

Can you also post the image you did yesterday?

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For me, I find it quicker in DSS to adjust the RGB sliders than move into PS. Many people will want a dedicated program like PS to control that, and I agree. But for my 1 min max LP skies its perfect.

I lighten the background just enough to see stars, even if the picture 'looks' too grey or light, PS will darken when you adjust Levels and Curves.

DSS Stock:


DSS Aligned:

Stock (Aligned   15%)

PS Final:

Small Magellanic Cloud   31.08.2014    00.00 AM

Its not the best work I've done, I can see some redness where the LP was, but this was a quick 3 in the morning process I did, while I was waiting for others to snap away.

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Lights: 30 @ 1600 for 1min

Darks: 20

Bias: 20

Less lights than I normally do because I did 4 images that night. Iv'e found 30secs gives me too much noise when I start stretching the image with Levels, and doing a better alignment, normally 30mins, because I don't have a SCP and I can't see any stars over the city.

1 minute seems to give the best subs, and my max exposure time for an EQ3 mount unguided.

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