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NGC6820 or Sh2-86 in HST


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I've been working on this one for ages - The Ha data was collected at least a month ago, but decided to do a 2x2 mosaic in between the mono and colour data for this target ..... as you do!!! I initially started to process this as a bi colour image, but it really wasn't working and certainly didn't produce the colours I was after. It seems that if there's not enough OIII kicking around, then the bi colour approach doesn't work for me.

Quickly collected some SII (not really enough!) and here you have it. 


M: Avalon LInear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm NB filters

14x1800s Ha

11x1800s OIII

6x1800s SII

Totalling 15.5 hours total integration time.


You can see a larger res version here http://swagastro.weebly.com/recent-images.html

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This has come out well Sara, and the larger version shows just how well you have processed it. I've found a few recent Sharpless targets are like this, decent levels of H-alpha but not much of anything else which makes it a challenge to get some nice colour blends.


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Beautiful Sara, another cracker! I love the deep red flamey colour in the outer Nebulosity, gorgeously rich.

How far do you find you need to stretch the OIII & SII data compared to the Ha set? Your stars are very tight, yet there is plenty of colour from all three bandwidths. I'm finding that I need to really overcook the two to get anything to show through in my images...

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Cheers! I think you're thinking of IC1396 though? This one isn't the Elephants trunk - Although it doesn't look dissimilar I guess :smiley:

Isn't the generic name for these columns sculpted by radiation pressure also elephant trunks? If not then I plead wikipedia. ;)

I imaged the Elephant Trunk in IC1396 a few nights ago, I can just about make it out in my image.

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