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Balancing Issues caused by USB / Power Cables

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Hi All,

I have got the imaging set-up shown in my signature and I find that with out the power / USB cables connected to the camera, it is really easy to balance the scope, but with these cables attached (which is of course a must if I am going to get any photos :rolleyes:), it becomes a lot more difficult as at different positions the cables have a different drag on the scope.  I swapped out the fancy thick power cable supplied with the camera for a much cheaper, thinner one and that has helped, so I was hoping to do the same with the thick USB cable, but I am finding it a lot harder to find a thin, light weigh cable.  Does any one know where I can get a light weight, ~3 meter USB a to b cable to help with the balancing, or maybe suggest anything else I should be trying to get around this problem?



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I use reusable cable ties to secure cables. First I fix to telescope, then to the mount. I test before turning on the mount to ensure enough slack has been left in the cables for all positions the scope may end up in during an imaging session.

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I have a cable loom freely hanging off the camera end of the scope, I tried supporting its weight and it just caused issues. Ideally the cables should be not putting any load on the dec or ra, as it will shift over time, keeping them tight to the scope and then making sure they are free to move around the dec and ra movement arcs. I have found to be quiet a challenge so just loom them up and let them hang of the camera,

i do need to come up with a better solution for this.

4 cables for camera, 1 for dew stripand 1 for focuser.

I am getting 10m subs with a free hanging loom so maybe ill just leave it be.

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If you have lots of cables, maybe a supporting stand similar to one of these would be useful:


Also, I just ordered a usb hub so that I hope it will let me reduce the number of cables I have trailing across the floor!!


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Excellent, thanks for all of the advice.  I will get the scope set-up tonight (providing it is not raining) and try velcro first to see if that works.  I will have to take it all part after each session, so that seems like the simplest option.  I will take a photo if I can get it to work :)

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