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tulip Sh2-101


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more data in Oii and Sii added to the Ha

4 hours Ha 600s subs

4 hours Oii 600s subs

3 hours Sii 600 s subs

Tak 130 extended.

An attempt at hubble palette but obviously need more practice or instructions :lol:


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What processing software do you use? To brighten this I'd just do a standard curve.

I've just downloaded your image and done a screengrab of the curve I used if you'd like me to PM it to you or put it in the thread?

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It's moody and magnificent as it is!!  A little lift using levels and curves wouldn't go amiss and it looks like it could cope with a bit of sharpening as well. Trouble is, you've got some star halos so if you do go giving it a boost you will boost those as well and that won't be so nice.

You've got some lovely data velvet so this is a good image to use to hone your processing skills.

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What processing software do you use? To brighten this I'd just do a standard curve.

I've just downloaded your image and done a screengrab of the curve I used if you'd like me to PM it to you or put it in the thread?

i use maxim to stack and Photoshop for processing.  any help would be appreciated from all quarters.  

thanks for the help and comments everyone :)

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Hi Velvet if you are using PS take a look at this usefull actions... http://www.prodigitalsoftware.com/Astronomy_Tools_For_Full_Version.html

my suggestion is to use each one on a copied layer to see the improvements and adjust the opacity to lower the effects as needed...

hope you can understand my poor english  :laugh:

thank you, i will take a look at that, and your english is very good :)


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Hi Velvet if you are using PS take a look at this usefull actions... http://www.prodigitalsoftware.com/Astronomy_Tools_For_Full_Version.html

my suggestion is to use each one on a copied layer to see the improvements and adjust the opacity to lower the effects as needed...

hope you can understand my poor english  :laugh:

I would also look at Annies actions and her videos.

I have both and find them very useful.


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