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DSS Drizzle not working.


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Just wondered if anyone else had issues using the x2/x3 drizzle on DSS, if used the stack fails. Tried just using .jpeg images instead of raw but same issue, as soon as I disable the images will stack.

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Just wondered if anyone else had issues using the x2/x3 drizzle on DSS, if used the stack fails. Tried just using .jpeg images instead of raw but same issue, as soon as I disable the images will stack.

Hi I've never tried it I'm afraid but I believe it requires a lot of lights. At the same time it needs 4 or 9 times the memory and space so that could be an issue?

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Many thanks forthe responce. I suspect light might be the issue if required, as its been mostly been scenes of pin point stars I have tried it with as have just been experimening. HDD space is 500GB+ free so assume thats fine, RAM maybe limited these days at 4GB but I would assume still should be ok (at least 2.5GB free before attempting to process and plenty of page).

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if you select an area of interest before starting the operation you will find that the out of memory error wont happen .it's a 32 bit app and 3.5 gig ram wont cut it for full frames there is no 64 bit version to try.

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if you select an area of interest before starting the operation you will find that the out of memory error wont happen .it's a 32 bit app and 3.5 gig ram wont cut it for full frames there is no 64 bit version to try.

Ahh forgot about that! They say "Until DSS becomes a 64 bit application you won't be able to drizzle stack entire, large images. You may have to experiment to find the limit of your particular system."


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Thanks to both of you, I will try a smaller image/selection and see if that works. Hopefully we will see DSS become a 64bit app in future to take full use of physical memory :) (an upgrade of RAM regardless of the app is certianlly planned to 16 or 32GB)

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On a side note as Thalestris mentioned you will need plenty of dithered and well calibrated subs to make drizzle worthwhile. I find with my Atik that 15 is about minimum to get SNR back under control, I've never drizzled DSLR subs but I would have thought a few more than this would be required.

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Odd, I've never had issues with Drizzle 2x on DSS. My images with the ATIK 383L+ were always 16.2MB each at 1x1, 3362 x 2504. I've stacked up to 20 light frames into a Drizzled 2x result of 6724 x 5008 (at 1x1). My desktop PC is pretty powerful and has 16GB RAM on Windows 7 64-bit but it's true that DSS is a 32-bit program. 

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I guess 4 x 16.2 x 20 -> about 1.3 Gb which is within the 2Gb space normally allowed by a 32bit process. Apparently, the available memory can be extended to 4Gb if the app is made 'large address aware' - there was a previous post on this by 'rwg': http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/207891-deep-sky-stacker-out-of-memory/


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  • 2 weeks later...

In the Stacking Parameter, clicking "Reduce worker threads priority" could help. I read that it doesn't try and force full utilisation at once and spreads it out, so errors might not occur.

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