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Wide Veil improved.


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Another night of Ha and RGB from the tandem FSQs added about 9 hours to this. The new data caught the two main arcs and was a standalone project for our guests from FInland but I added it to last year's two-panel as well. The improvement was significant. This is O111 Ha RGB and has about 24 hours data.

It's very hard to do a genuine RGB processing when the NB data so utterly dominates the RGB but I had a go. Next year I need to add the bit of tail that I missed. D'oh!


Bigger; http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-fdwfHkr/0/X3/VEIL%20HaO111RGB%202014%20WEB-X3.jpg


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Thats a nice loop Olly. Personally, I would have pushed the Ha red a little more so the shockwave to the right of 52cyg had some more colour (but thats just personal preference). This is the only target I know of where Ive had to shoot extra Ha just to catch up with the OIII....madness!

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