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a sad story a tribute to a close friend the amazing m31


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ok I've finaly got round to doing this .

to cut a long story short  my best friend and neighbour for 20 odd year found out that cancer had got him.

I got  him into photography 1 day a week we went out to rspb reserve. it made him happy for 2 years but the day came when he went to hospital and he new :sad:

its now been3 years with out him.

2 weeks after he passed away his wife and 2 elder girls gave me his sony a550 :eek: that was my response and from that day forward ive used the sony to get heavenly bodies and I think he might have liked this shot.

2016 second  single shot the a lot of work in old ps6.

my set up at the mo is heq5 pro, sw ed 80 sw guide scope mount, celestron spotting /guide scope and back then my only camera for astro

sony a550




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Something to be proud of, lovely shot. It was only a few years back that these sort of shots had data underneath saying something like Mt Wilson 100 inch or the like.

Well done it is about the best I have seen and sorry about your friend I am sure he would have loved it.


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Yes, well done indeed.

You could very easilty enhance it still further at no expense; download the free Hasta La Vista Green from the Deep Sky Colors website. This wlll remove a band of visible green noise from the outer region.


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Yes I agree, I think he would have be very pleased with that shot!

Olly knows his processing, so it'll be worth the effort to try that software.

Is that really a 2016s shot? That's about 35 minutes :)


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Hi TN.

That's a very good M31, especially for a single shot.

You must have extremely dark skies to have not run into sky glow problems, and even guided, you polar alignment needs to be spot on. Any filters used?

Also, don't DSLRs run into thermal issues with longer exposures than a few minutes? How have you dealt with this....did you shoot dark frames?

I'm sure many of us would be interested to know in much greater detail how you have achieved such excellent results, with such low noise levels, with only a single exposure.

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