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So thats what the view from Murcury looks like


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From what I can get Bablefish to translate I'm not sure but it does look this way. A refractor that size I'm guessing is maybe in some astronomical observatory rather than someone's personal scope ? but there is mention of baader wedges, PST mods and a Daystar quark on the way so there may be a millionaire out there keen on solar observing while at ones summer residence.

  • Bonjour
    je vous propose quelques images Solaire réalisées durant les mois de Mars et d'Avril avec la Lunette de 230 mm

    ces images ont été réalisées avec un Seeing pas favorable du tout( variant de (French)
  • Hello I propose some solar pictures taken during the months of March and April with a 230 mm bezel these images were performed with a not in favour of Seeing at all (variant of) (English)
  • je teste toujours l'Aca 1300-60GM , qui ma fois s'en sort pas trop mal en Solaire vivement de bonnes conditions !!!!

    j'attends le Daystar Quark 0.5 - 0.3 A° prochainement je vous ferez un compte ren (French)
  • I always tested the Aca 1300 - 60GM, that my time comes out not too bad in solar strongly good conditions!

    I expect the Daystar Quark 0.5-0.3 A ° soon I get a ren account (English)
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That would be a massive scope if its a personal one. 9" diameter and well over 8 feet long....I can imaging a personal scope of that size. Would be awesome to see for sure...and to view through...man that would be some killer planetary and lunar views.

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Stayfocused (Birmingham UK) when they were trading had a huge refractor in their showroom. I can't remember for sure but I think that was 8" or so and that was HUGE!!! It was sold on eBay some years ago so people do have them but whether people have them as solar scopes and the additional cost to put an ERF on the end is a few French classes away :D

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I have a 220mm refractor which I also use for solar white light with a full aperture Astrozap filter and Ha viewing as a PST mod. You need good seeing conditions to make it worthwhile though.  :smiley:

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JP's images are certainly top of the class.

Here is some light reading for you. :D


google translate will help or you can just go :eek: at the pics.

I also strongly suggest browsing his site. More :eek:

Thanks Jarrod. That sure is some setup he has :Envy:  :cool: and even more impressive what he can get the images he does out of it! I know myself you can have all the gear but no idea.

While there is no doubt his scope and mount is a hernia in the making it sure looks a bit more manageable than what I had in mind. Two totally different set ups of course, but the big frak in Stayfocused was considerably longer and in comparison I'd say it maybe had a tad more aperture too. I know for one it would have put a big smile on our moderator John the frak man's face.   :grin:

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On the one or two days a year when seeing is up to it. 

This is what has me questioning the practical use of a Quark over a solar scope. I have an 80mm F/6 but taking in to account the unavoidable x4.2 magnification of the Quark a 32mm ep for visual is going to offer up x63. I know Baader film isn't as forgiving as a wedge but the best views 90% of the time in my filtered 90mm F/10 are at x52. I'm sure a wedge would allow for more magnification but I could still back it off when needed. It seems with the Quark the only way of doing this is going in to the expense of longer focal length EP's or with a focal reducer and I know these can bring there own aberrations in to the mix.

I am not knocking the Quark for one minute as there is no denying this is a step forward in solar observing but why x4.2 ??? I get barlowing cleans up images and I guess the whole getting up to temperature thing creates some thermal distortion of some sort ????? but still x4.2 !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is what has me questioning the practical use of a Quark over a solar scope. I have an 80mm F/6 but taking in to account the unavoidable x4.2 magnification of the Quark a 32mm ep for visual is going to offer up x63. I know Baader film isn't as forgiving as a wedge but the best views 90% of the time in my filtered 90mm F/10 are at x52. I'm sure a wedge would allow for more magnification but I could still back it off when needed. It seems with the Quark the only way of doing this is going in to the expense of longer focal length EP's or with a focal reducer and I know these can bring there own aberrations in to the mix.

I am not knocking the Quark for one minute as there is no denying this is a step forward in solar observing but why x4.2 ??? I get barlowing cleans up images and I guess the whole getting up to temperature thing creates some thermal distortion of some sort ????? but still x4.2 !!

Its because the Daystar Etalons need a f30 lightbeam to work properly AFAIK

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