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2014 so far.....


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I decided to keep a log of all my imaging endeavours in 2014 after reading about how much imaging time people are blessed with in foreign climes. It felt like I'd never get near that amount of time in with the weather and my work which means I often have shifts from 5pm to 1am (prime astro time!!)

Well I set up a spreadsheet and recored every session, good or bad and after half the year i have managed......

A total of 97.79 hours of imaging.

Of which 21.53 hours went straight in to the recycle bin (this could be frames lost to clouds, bad tracking or my getting to grips with some changes to my kit due to buying a new camera)

There have been an average of 7 clear for imaging nights per month so far this year, of which I have been at work missing out on 9 occasions.

My average imaging session is 2.79 hours, this has dropped dramatically over the last couple of months due to running out of darkness, it was touching 4 earlier in the year.

The most productive month was March, by a long way!!

So all in all, far better than I thought I'd manage, here's to (at least) another 100 hours of imaging in the next 6 months!!

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I think I am up to 18 imaging sessions for the first half of this year, all but four of them on a weekend.  Each one requires three hours of loading the car, driving out, driving back and unloading, so I think I've done pretty well.  So far this year only one trip out has been a total fail due to the weather, and I think I missed a couple of sessions where the weather turned out to be better than forecast but I stayed home.

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