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M16 Eagle Neb, in Ha


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Well the 'Main Event' for tonight was supposed to be the Veil Neb, but while waiting for that to rise above a hedge I took a few short subs of M16. This was just 5 x 10min. Then I slewed to the Veil and 10min through the first 20min sub the clouds rolled in :( 

So this is all for tonight.

Scope: TV NP127is + 0.8x reducer

CCD: Atik 490EX @ 1x1

Guide: Lodestar

Mount Losmandy G11

First image is full-frame (includes a nice satellite trail at no extra charge...)


And a 100% crop of the central part - the 'Pillars of Creation'



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At least you managed to get something, which is a nice capture. I'm gutted in the fact that I'm never going to get a proper go at this thanks to a house, huge tree and low lying LP from a neighbouring town ! I'm toooooo lazy to drag all the gear out of the garden to somewhere more suitable !

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Thank you! To be honest, the scope was not configured for this target, it had the 0.8x reducer installed because I needed the widest possible field for the Veil Neb.

Lee: Build a higher pier! :laugh:

Sara: I would think a longer f/l with your 9.25 will produce a fantastic image of the core, and it will be a little higher in the sky for you. I'm looking through too much atmosphere here to expect much.


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