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Saturn and Mars with a Baader zoom


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Trying out my new Baader zoom (courtesy of the classifieds) on Mars and Saturn - bit light for much else at the mo. Saturn quite sharp with the Cassini visible. Can't see much detail on Mars but it is showing a distinct gibbous phase now. Favourable first impression of the eyepiece - first time I've owned a zoom

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After being told for many years that zoom optics are no good, I now use a very cheap 8-24mm . It's a great grab'n go and useful for alignment and pulling out double stars.

There's not much doing with Mars, but Saturn continues to please. We had a lovely x300 view last time out with clear and

Clear skies !


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After being told for many years that zoom optics are no good, I now use a very cheap 8-24mm . It's a great grab'n go and useful for alignment and pulling out double stars.

There's not much doing with Mars, but Saturn continues to please. We had a lovely x300 view last time out with clear and

Clear skies !


Agreed Nick which is why I've never had one before, but having read recent reviews I thought I'd gIve one a go. It used to be said that zoom lenses had too many glass elements but if you look at modern single focal length eps, they have multi- elements too.

Saturn looked good but I need to give it more of a test.

Btw - good to see Wurzel back!


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After being told for many years that zoom optics are no good, I now use a very cheap 8-24mm . It's a great grab'n go and useful for alignment and pulling out double stars.

There's not much doing with Mars, but Saturn continues to please. We had a lovely x300 view last time out with clear and

Clear skies !


Which cheap ep is that Nick? I've been tempted, but would really prefer 6 - 18 rather than the 7 or 8 to 21 mm which seems to be the norm.

Saturn was so good last light, I got my vintage 102mm achro long focus frac out and enjoyed the very crisp Cassini view! It can still give very pleasing views on the planets, even on tight doubles.


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Kerry I think the Baader zoom is very good and if you buy the matching barlow it will allow the zoom to be 3.5mm - 10.5mm. This arrangement is great for double stars.

A few weeks ago I bought the Pentax 6.5mm - 19.5mm zoom mainly for my PST. However, the other night I had great views of a number of DSOs (M4, M19, M12, M10, M57 and M51) using my Skywatcher 150 PDS. I also put into my 4" APO and had a lovely split of the double double.

So I think zoom EPs once had a bad press but my experience of a Baader and now Pentax proves that wrong.

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I've been impressed with the Baader 8-24 zoom too - I feel the Mk III is a bit better optically than the Mk II that I had a couple of years back. I don't enjoy the 24mm spot though as the field is markedly narrower than the spec says and the field stop becomes a bit ill defined.

I still don't feel it's fully a match for my fixed focal length eyepieces though as I found when I was viewing M82 and the Supernova a couple of months back. I felt the 20mm setting on the zoom was giving me great views of the galaxy until I tried the 18mm Baader Classic ortho and found the brightness and contrast of the galaxy, it's dark rifts etc, were noticeably increased. I was rather surprised by this so I repeated the exercise at 10mm (swapping in the Baader CO 10mm this time)  and found the same effect.

I still think the Baader MkIII zoom is an excellent zoom eyepiece though but it's an alternative too, rather than a replacement for, my fixed eyepieces. 

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Mark - I have the Barlow too as part of the purchase - looking forward to trying them out over the whole range.

And I agree John, I see it as an addition to my collection rather than replacing anything. 

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