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Catseye Autocollimator coming


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In an effort to improve my collimation and check to see how the mechanics of my scope hold collimation the 2 pupil XLKP autocollimator has been ordered.I understand that some say secondary collimation is the least important of the process,but now I will see the degree of accuracy to which the VX will hold and how my adapter machining and then their orientation in the focuser will effect collimation.

I very accurately collimated the VX last night and Saturn was wonderdful,with the Cassini as sharp as a razor @ 150x,but only briefly as it disappeared behind my Basswood tree...

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I use the cat's eye on my Quattro 10" and after modifying the secondary base with a steel washer with 3 punched indents for the grub screws it holds collimation well.

I am delighted with my cat's eye.

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be interested to hear your thoughts on this gerry, i have been tempted my self. let me no how you get on

Hey Mike,I've been pondering this purchase for about a year now,but I needed to understand some basics first,and now I'm ready.You see this thing not only collimates the sec,but it can also tell you where problems (if any) lie-i.e. adapter orientation.Once collimated and reflections stacked,you can try thing to see what will unstack them, ex turning the adapter in the VX focuser,if it unstacks then a specific orientation should be used everytime.

Also Mike,I think it benefits us to use a separate sight tube(for sec) and a separate cheshire to colli the primary-and these are the high quality tools offerd by Jim Fly @ Catseye.These tools are pro grade in quality.

I highly recommend them.

Mike what do you use now? I also want to say that I'm not "bashing" anyone elses equipment/tools by insinuation or whatever else.To each their own I figure :smiley: and these tools are what I like

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Hey Mike,I've been pondering this purchase for about a year now,but I needed to understand some basics first,and now I'm ready.You see this thing not only collimates the sec,but it can also tell you where problems (if any) lie-i.e. adapter orientation.Once collimated and reflections stacked,you can try thing to see what will unstack them, ex turning the adapter in the VX focuser,if it unstacks then a specific orientation should be used everytime.

Also Mike,I think it benefits us to use a separate sight tube(for sec) and a separate cheshire to colli the primary-and these are the high quality tools offerd by Jim Fly @ Catseye.These tools are pro grade in quality.

I highly recommend them.

Mike what do you use now? I also want to say that I'm not "bashing" anyone elses equipment/tools by insinuation or whatever else.To each their own I figure :smiley: and these tools are what I like

hi gerry, i use flo,s own premium cheshire tube and a laser colimator from ts optics. but i believe the vx range has some off set in the secondary which you should allow for. i dont, and i dont understand what it is. but 00 must specifie this for a reason. do you allow for offset. cheers gerry

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When we collimate our scopes using a sight tube and cheshire(your combo tool) it ends up exactly right,within the limits of our tool and eyes.

There are 2 offsets,away from the focuser toward the opposite side of the OTA and offset of the secondary down towards the primary.

The offset away from the focuser is done (usually) by offsetting the sec on its stalk-I just measured mine recently.OOUK has already done this for us-did you replace your secondary?just remebered you may have.

Now the sec offset toward the primary we do ourselves,when we use a sight tube to center the sec under the sight tube while round.Then the sight tube crosshairs are put on the dot by adjusting the sec tilt screws,.

Doing this,with the secondary already offset on its stalk,gives us the proper off set method of collimation,and colli is completed by adjusting the primary with cheshire so the dot is in the donut.

So yes I do adjust offset,but just one of them-does yours look like this

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Is that the correct name for it Autocollimator?  If so, as much as I think it is probably the best on the market, there's nothing much in the way of automatic about it.  You have to stick cats-eyes on the mirrors with a template then using it you have to make adjustments to screws or knobs by hand, wouldn't mind one though for the Mak/Newt and any other scopes it will do.


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Hi Alan, autocollimator is just a name given to the tool,Catseye is a brand name and Infinity XLKP is the model I purchased.The working of this tool is complicated,but perhaps simpler in use.

We can use the "binder ring" center spot on most mirrors no problem and we only need one spot as this is a series of reflections(some inverted) between a flat mirror and a parabolic one.There are a whole pile of misconceptions about these things and I don't pretend to be an expert and I will stand corrected if need be-anyone can feel free.

This video may help you understand :smiley:


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When we collimate our scopes using a sight tube and cheshire(your combo tool) it ends up exactly right,within the limits of our tool and eyes.

There are 2 offsets,away from the focuser toward the opposite side of the OTA and offset of the secondary down towards the primary.

The offset away from the focuser is done (usually) by offsetting the sec on its stalk-I just measured mine recently.OOUK has already done this for us-did you replace your secondary?just remebered you may have.

Now the sec offset toward the primary we do ourselves,when we use a sight tube to center the sec under the sight tube while round.Then the sight tube crosshairs are put on the dot by adjusting the sec tilt screws,.

Doing this,with the secondary already offset on its stalk,gives us the proper off set method of collimation,and colli is completed by adjusting the primary with cheshire so the dot is in the donut.

So yes I do adjust offset,but just one of them-does yours look like this

no gerry it doesnt everything is central, i no there should be offset but i dont no how much or what you do to achieve it :confused: , that you tube clip on cateye colimationn looks brilliant

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Mike, if you are using your laser to line up the secondary to primary, then your view may not look like the image I sent. The sight tube, if used correctly will give that offset as in the picture-does for me anyway.

Do you use your laser for secondary collimation ie lining up laser dot on primary dot? Is your secondary offset on its stalk?

A good sight tube(Catseye) and one of Glatters lasers installed in his "TuBlug" ( barlowed laser)is an easy solution to basic accurate collimation.I am getting one of these once I understand and get proficient with the autocollimator, as an easy (from back of scope)solution to primary mirror field collimation.

I highly recommend Jim Fly's Catseye tools, but hold off on the autocollimator until basic and accurate collimation is second nature.

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We can use the "binder ring" center spot on most mirrors no problem and we only need one spot as this is a series of reflections(some inverted) between a flat mirror and a parabolic one.

A binder ring can be used with an autocollimator; however, the HotSpot or triangle shapes work better because they do not completely block the inverted reflections.




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Thanks for the video but I know how it works I was just trying to be smart, with the use of the word Auto. I have to say with the scopes I have I would need the full kit which is about 300 quid, not cheap is it?

I manage for visual very well with just a laser from Hotech


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Great news!My autocollimator arrived and a quick check revealed I'm not far off!Just a bit of residual error that I will clean up.This is with my existing center spot,so maybe a new spot will show larger errors-we wait and see.

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Great news!My autocollimator arrived and a quick check revealed I'm not far off!Just a bit of residual error that I will clean up.This is with my existing center spot,so maybe a new spot will show larger errors-we wait and see.

have you used it yet gerry, any improvements ?

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I have put it in the focuser and I am playing around with the mirror screws to see what this thing actually does.Practising the de-collimation procedure and then walkiing collimation back and forth with the cheshire and autocollimator.Its actually fast.I am waiting to get the glow triangles from Fly as these may present the most accurate image.

I have not used the dob after collimating this way-we're in the middle of a flood.I spent the day putting 45 gal barrels full of water on the dock to try to save it,cable tied the boathouse to the trees etc Pouring again....

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I have put it in the focuser and I am playing around with the mirror screws to see what this thing actually does.Practising the de-collimation procedure and then walkiing collimation back and forth with the cheshire and autocollimator.Its actually fast.I am waiting to get the glow triangles from Fly as these may present the most accurate image.

I have not used the dob after collimating this way-we're in the middle of a flood.I spent the day putting 45 gal barrels full of water on the dock to try to save it,cable tied the boathouse to the trees etc Pouring again....

hope all is ok gerry

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We missed a bad storm yesterday by about 15 miles,my brother in law's truck got hammered with hail and my buddy's farm got hit hard too-roof off barn,trees down all over the place.The water is supposed to crest mid July....but now these small intense storm cells might cause the beaver dams to let loose-they are like dominos,and hold an incredible amount of water.Hopefully my dock & stuff is still there...

I have the Televues and autocollimator in my Yellow Pelican though!Watertight and she floats :grin:

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hi don, i have been reading up all day on cloudy nights here and elsewere trying to find out what i need, i have ordered the catseye hotspot centering template and the yellow hot spot, was going to buy the glatter barlow colimator as well but they only had 2". was this the right hot spot to go with my 14" dob ?

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After a little bit of messing around I got the images to stack properly-a single triangle in the center pupil and a double "hex" in the offset.This was without my extension adapter.With the extension adapter the reflections are jumbled up and depending on how the adapter is registered the reflections change.

I'm done for today,but I am happy that I got a stack.It feels good when all 3 tools agree.

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