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Goto in a Dob...what's the fuss?!

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Hi there, I just saw this thread about goto dobs.....

I have a 6" Skywatcher Dobsonian and I am wondering if it possible to make it into a goto? As a newbie both to the forum, and to astronomy in general, I am open to any criticism of my idea, but I am wondering if it could be done?

I was thinking 2 motors with encoders. Manual clutches (to allow free tracking or motorised tracking) with 1024 count encoders.

Raspberry Pi to control the motors,

1 Mod flexible gear track screwed to the base and also round the existing tube supports (one side only)

DC servo motors (not stepper, for smoother movement)

I am going to have to save up over the next few weeks to buy the bits to try this (Motors/encoders and gear track). I have a spare Pi somewhere.

But the bit that is causing me the most concern is how to programme the tracking........ I will have to have a look and see if the is an open source celestial library anywhere that I could import.....

Any point of view and/or help on this as a little side hobby would be very gratefully received.

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I transport my 300P around in my Honda hatchback fine. My car has a tip up rear seats which makes this easy, but the tube would lie flat across normal seats as well.

The base just fits through the tailgate. You'll have no trouble with your Volvo I would think.

The base and OTA are heavy around 25 and 22 kilos respectively and the base is bulky. Just about luggable by a fit adult. I use a fold up sack barrow if I have to move it more than 10 metres or so. Believe me, the 12" is the absolute limit for one person.

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There are two goto Dobs i have singled out- i would like Your opinion on these:

- Orion SkyQuest XT10g GoTo Dobson Teleskop - 10'' f/5,9 here: http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p6452_Orion-SkyQuest-XT10g-GoTo-Dobson-Teleskop---Oeffnung-254mm-f-4-7.html


Skywatcher Skyliner 250P SynScan - 10" GoTo Dobson - http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4338_Skywatcher-Skyliner-250P-SynScan---10--GoTo-Dobson-Teleskop.html

I am slightly in favour of the Orion, because he has a 1:10 drive and comes with a power crosshair EP. I am also slightly in favor of a non-folding Dobson (Orion). The Orions total weight is about 30kg.

The Skywatcher has a camera mount and two EP'S included, i cant get hold of its weight yet.

It seems these two are pretty much identical, except for the mentioned differences?!

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I have the XT8G, use it 3 night to 5 nights a week. Tracking is very nice, yes might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is really nice when I have about 2 or 3 family or friends, on a weekly basis, viewing with me. Dob and crowds don't always work well. I find its easier to find fainter objects, when you can just sit back for 5mins and relax, not having to worry about moving it. They are expensive compared to the push to versions, so make decisions wisely. 

btw the OTA fits in my Aveo Sedan with around 2" to spare on the back seat. 10" wouldn't fit even at an angle.

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Yes it is nice, winter has been bad... 50% of days are cloudy :( 

Summer, Orion, M31, AP, Jupiter, can't wait.

As mentioned above, double stars are really easy to view now at very high mag. Even if I just mess around at 400x. Rigil or Acrux are 2 nice doubles I normally star off with.

PS: On a side note I have seen Rigil's triple star at 800x with a 18", even at this zoom its just barely visible.

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I use a solid tube 10" ( actually a Skywatcher) and the tube fits comfortably across the back seat of my Honda Civic. It is the same tube length as the 8".

There will be almost certainly no optical difference between the Skywatcher and the Orion, both are made by Synta corp. in China. The flex tube design of the SW works very well so don't be worried about that. Personally I would go with the one you feel happiest about. They are both great. I would get the cheapest! :)

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I can get my 16 inch goto dob through the doorway no problem! Well, sort of no problem apart from breaking my back :grin:

The Skywatcher 400P goto dob's base breaks down in a few minutes into four flat parts, none of them that heavy to carry. I am more likely to get stuck in the door than it is :D The tube compacts down to less height than my 10 inch manual dob. The main problem is the tube weight, it is a heavy beast :shocked: Though you could probably figure out some option like wheelbarrow handles if the weight is a big issue.

I am glad I got the goto. It is very accurate if you level the base, the target is usually in the field of view at 200x mag. It's been at its best at star parties on patchy nights. Finding targets quickly before they get clouded over. Or finding objects I am not used to from home with my more restricted views.

It's also handy when I swap over the view with the missus. Target still in the field of view. Also handy when we are tired, it's easier to punch in the target number than for me to spend 10 tired minutes trying to find it, and if I can't find it, being tired, I get more frustrated. And it's a bit annoying giving up on a target after looking for 10 minutes on the first clear night for 2 weeks.

I have come to realise that I am not much of a night owl. Not sure I picked the right hobby,,, :grin:

I like using my manual 10 inch dob too, I tend to stick to the more obvious targets that I am a bit better at finding, where I can really enjoy the low hassle of a manual solid tube dob.

Each to their own, the main thing is to enjoy your stargazing :laugh:

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OOOOOHHHHHH that's woke the Dob Mob up !!!! - just goes to show the diversity of this wonderful hobby - wether its a push, nudge, track and dare I say it GOTO - the enthusiasm is still there, I think that from all of the replies, one thing seems to shine through - YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE GOT AND YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT.  Great thread - its what its all about.


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