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a nested double double?

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On Sunday night I found zeta CrB and STF 1964 for the first time. This is a really nice pair of easy doubles, zeta brighter and closer, 1964 wider, dimmer and set at a jaunty angle. The two can be seen and split in the same field with a judicious choice of eyepiece, which is my criterion for a double double (a fairly relaxed one - I'm not too bothered whether doubles are physically related or not).

However, it gets better. Cranking up the magnification I was able to split STF 1964 CD, given in WDS as 1.5", mags 8.1 and 9.0. I didn't hold out much hope of splitting AB (1.2", 8.1/9.9) and indeed I couldn't even elongate it. Still this must be unique as a double double within a double double. 

I would love to hear if anyone out there has split STF 1964 AB and therefore seen 1964 as a d-d. A challenge to those with bigger apertures, darker skies and better-honed double-splitting eyes! 

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After I posted this it occurred to me that the Star-Splitters might have something to say about it - and indeed they do:


Although John N doesn't claim the AB prize, a bit of googling shows it can be done, at least by the redoubtable Wilfried from CN:


Steady seeing to you!

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A nice group this - I had a look this evening. As you say, another double-double!

First impressions of STF 1964 AB was that it was an out of focus star. However, as the scope cooled and the seeing improved a bit, it resolved itself nicely into a close pair. IMO it is not that difficult, although clearly very seeing dependent. 5" Mak at x200 and x250.


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