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Stellarium and your telescope

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I am wondering if anyone has hooked up stellarium to their telescope (somehow) and was it a difficult process. 

Also was it worth it, compared to just aligning your telescope in the usual way and using the 'goto' process of your mount to get around the sky.

I am told that a program like Stellarium would really help to get to your objects of choice and a lot easier to use than the usual 'goto'  choices etc..

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Its the best thing I ever did in astronomy. If you are already using ASCOM/EQDIR then download Stellarium Scope - spend a little while setting it up and getting it to work with your mount. Activate the script in Stellarium and sit back and wonder why you never did it before!!

Click on any object in Stellarium hit Ctrl +1 and be amazed !!

SO much easier than the handset, much more interesting and intuitive. You can also set it up so that it shows the same view of the target that you should be seeing in your eyepiece - its amazing!!

All the software you need is free so what is there to lose??

If you aren't already using ASCOM and a laptop outside then its a steeper learning curve but still well worth it.

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I use this and it is so good it almost feels like cheating ;)

All you need to do is get the scope into a known position after aligning. On my 300P I use the Show Position utility on the handset to position the scope so it's RA and Dec are 0.

Then it's just the case of connecting up the USB to serial converter cable to the handset and firing up Stellarium. I might try going really fancy and getting a bluetooth to serial converter for wireless operation.

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Wow.  You guys are sure doing good.   I am struggling to get this to work.  I was reading that my mount the azeq6 doesn't need anything other than Stellarium itself. 

Has anyone tried using just the mount (azeq6)  and the software (stellarium).  And nothing more.

That would be simple..

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Wow.  You guys are sure doing good.   I am struggling to get this to work.  I was reading that my mount the azeq6 doesn't need anything other than Stellarium itself. 

Has anyone tried using just the mount (azeq6)  and the software (stellarium).  And nothing more.

That would be simple..

You would still need Ascom and EQMod, and i think Stellarium Scope to join them together.....

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I haven't noticed it as advice but you will need one of these either home made or brought from a supplier.....


Thanks for the tip on the cable.  I have that.  And I am trying to run things without any special drivers.  Using Windows Vista. I bet I need something special though,  as things appear to be working but nothing appears on the screen.  No sign that I am connected although the config setup tells me that I am connected.  I try to slew to something and the mount never moves.  But I see the numbers on the screen changing as if it really is moving.

Oh well.   Perhaps I reallly need to install ascom, eqmod, and stellariumScope.

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Well I finally got things working with my telescope and stellarium.

I guess it just needed a little more patience and understanding of how it works when its running.

Once I selected 'D' and the unit number,  things snapped into place. Bingo.

so - it does all work with no drivers or anything special added.  I have yet to try it outside but I am fairly confident that it will work.

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I find Cartes du Ciel better for controlling the mount, easy menu access and especially the ability to "sync" to the desired object. Stellarium is very good for finding and looking at objects but I didn't find it's control system very intuitive. So I use both

As already mentioned you'd need ASCOM,EQUMOD and Celestron mount driver.

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Welcome to the Stellarium/EQMOD club :-). I've never looked back once I got it rigged up. Its a godsend for framing really faint objects for imaging.

-Click on a bright star in stellarium thats near your target > center

-Check scope and make adjustments to center it properly (with gamepad, on-screen controls or even hand-cotroller (as long as you only touch arrow keys))

-Sync stellarium

-Now click on your desired faint target and center... BANG!.. gauranteed to be in the center of frame.

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