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First Solar imaging attempt


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Well I managed to connect the PGR Grasshopper 3 (687) to the LS60DS.

Following Alexandra and Colmic's helpful posts on Solarchat it connected no problem in both Flycapture and Firecapture.

This is literally just the test run stacked in AS!2. I stacked about 50% of 400 frames.

Need to get used to focusing and the whole Gain/Gamma malarky, but I am just pretty pleased that it all works.

Thanks to all those that have posted helpful tutorials online as well.



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Thanks all.

Very much a day of learning and playing with software and technology.

Really can't say how happy I am that I just managed to get it all to talk to each other. Few glitches along the way but we're getting there.

I foresee long evenings watching processing tutorials.


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A fantastic start :) :) :) you have a wonderful double stack.

Just stack around 10% and you will get a clearer image, I usually take around 800 frames and stack the best 10%. Keep the gain on absolute minimum, for gamma I find around 1.000 is neutral (in Firecapture), but don't be tempted to go above 1.200 chasing proms otherwise you get strange ringing above the limb in processing.


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Thanks again' specially Alexandra. I wouldn't have got there so easily without your travails last summer.

The project for this weekend is focus, upping the fps, understanding Firecapture better and then a bit of tweaking and maybe even colour.

My fps last week was very low (about 4 or 5).

A task made all the more easier by all the online help.

Cheers all.


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