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I have read a few tutorials on Registax + watched a useful YouTube video on the process and thought I had a reasonable handle on the process, at least sufficient to make a start.  Not so!

Using a so so video of the Moon taken recently along the terminator i.e. good contrast of the craters, the following happens in Registax:

  • Only wants to choose align points away from the terminator, despite good craters showing along the terminator.
  • After aligning, as far as I can see it has chosen my 50 best frames (as set) but on stacking I am left with a white box offset / overlaying a black area i.e. no picture at all.  Furthermore, looking at the Show Stackgraph setting, no frames seem to be registered.

What's happening / what am I doing wrong; it's like the chosen 'best' frames are not actually either registering or not stacking?


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One point to check is the area being processed. It's at the top under settings and you should increase the area if it is set low. Watch this because it reset itself once for me and I had not noticed. If it's a moon video use the highest setting.

You might also consider AS!2 which is an alternative free stacking software. I use this a lot now and just use R6 for wavelets and other tweaks.


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The research I have done suggests that one should not choose alignment points near 'edges' and boundaries of planetary bodies. I concur with Peter, AS2 gives me better results. Wavelets in RG6 is also aggressive. I prefer to use PS.

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The best thing to do with Registax is to not use it for stacking.

Autostakkert is soooo much faster and it produces better results. Use it for stacking and then drag'n'drop the stacked file into Registax for wavelet sharpening.

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I have not tried AS but have found that R6 does a reasonable job with the moon, there is a slider which alters the number of alignment points used and if you put the cursor over a point and right click ( or left click, can't remember) it removes that point, you can then click on the spot you would like an alignment point. Too many points will result in a cracked ice/ crazy paving effect after stacking so use less if you see this. You can select lowest quality/ best frames ect, I use best frames and enter the number I want to stack. If using best quality reduce the quality threshold to 75% and see if that helps.  

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