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Mars again and thanks

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Had some time today to play with the mars data from last week.

An improvement I think on my last attempt. Still a long way to go yet but making progress and having a lot of fun to boot. Big thanks to Stephen (ArmyAirForce) for his excellent processing primer and great advice and to all those who commented on my previous post. 

Thanks Guys!



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Thanks guys, sorry been really busy over the weekend.

Lensman, yea im pretty chuffed to get any detail out at all. I think the most interesting thing is that before mars got high enough i was imaging Jupiter. I wasnt impressed with the quality of the captures. Couldnt get any fine details at all. Earlier in the year i got some good jupiter captures, picking up some nice detail so I know the seeing has been better. Which raises the question, how much more can i get out of mars...  i think the PL can deliver more.

Toxic, Is there no position you can get between the houses? Wood fires sound bad :( Heathrow was chucking low planes at me every 30s and i swear the exhaust was messing with the image... but i can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have to put up with real fires on top of all the other seeing problems :(

Clear skies

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Hi Alex,

Yea sure, here it is: 


2 min exposures on each channel really makes a big difference. Next time im going to drop the L and  do RGB and try 2min 40 per channel.

also this link gives the theory (and nicely worked out tables) for imaging time vs rotation  / angular size http://www.stargazing.net/david/mars/marsrotation.html

Really excited about the possibilities, cos i know the seeing wasnt great... 

All the best and let us know how you get on.


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