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ISS Tonight.


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I just managed to get the binos out and race outside to see the ISS pass a few minutes ago.

All I saw through my binos was a bright white blurred blob!

I remember a couple of years ago, I managed to track it with my 130mm scope and saw some detail (the H shape).

It's due to pass here again at 22:37. This time, I'll be ready and waiting for it......With a 10" dob!!

Fingers crossed.


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It's due to pass here again at 22:37. This time, I'll be ready and waiting for it......With a 10" dob!!

Fingers crossed.


This one will be much shorter, from the west and just under Jupiter;



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I was putting some rubbish out on Saturday and looked up and thought ...oh that moving thing is quite bright. No blinking lights.... AHA the ISS! Looked on Stellariun and found I could track it on there. Found the next time it was due over. Couldn't see anything. Checked why on Stellaruim ... this satellite is eclipsed! doh! Checked the times for Sunday. Too cloudy at 9pm and missed it when it came over again about 10.40pm.


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